The Auraria Library is hosting a special exhibit through March 20 commemorating the lives of Japanese Americans who were detained during World War II in a...
Sometimes it takes a lot of effort and a little "magic" to make things happen, whether it's tackling the complex issues of a university or a world far away.
The committee has sought a "highly visible" scholar who is "deeply engaged in either the analytical scholarship or practice of conservative thinking and...
Rep. Ed Perlmutter talks about the partnerships that led to the completion of the interchange at East 17th Place and Interstate 225 on the east side of the...
The Colorado Department of Higher Education recently awarded $290,000 in federal funding to UCCS to support work with Harrison School District 2 and Colorado...
Assistant professor Andres Lema-Hincapie, center, with custodians Aurelio Barranca-Osorio and Angelica Reaves. Andres Lema-Hincapie's work in the Department of...
A decline in the reproduction of pinyon pine trees in the Southwest in recent decades could affect a number of different bird and mammal species, including the...
Special honoree Donald Bennallack is welcomed to the stage by CU Foundation Chair Carl "Spike" Eklund. Stories of life-changing university research, and the...
How does inclusion work? What fosters an inclusive dynamic? What are dynamic approaches to broadening inclusive practices in your community, school, culture or...
Have you ever wondered what University Risk Management (URM) does? Do you only call if you have a claim or an injury? URM does more than just insurance. URM...
Keashly Professor Loraleigh Keashly will visit the CU-Boulder campus to present two bystander training workshops on workplace bullying, as well as a session at...
It’s magic and motorcycles – and topics in between – as the Galleries of Contemporary Art (GOCA) at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs host ChitChat,...
Faculty from all disciplines are invited to become investigators in the CU President’s Teaching and Learning Collaborative (PTLC), now beginning its eighth...
CU Denver’s School of Education and Human Development has joined the Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation and the Institute at Clayton Early Learning to offer an...
CU is one of only 12 higher education institutions taking part in the new pilot program initiated by LinkedIn, which boasts more than 200 million members...
Colorado Democrats on Tuesday announced a list of proposed gun-related laws, including a measure to ban the carrying of concealed weapons in buildings on...
“The Fat Switch,” a book by Richard Johnson, M.D., reveals what he and his research team suggest could be the mechanism behind a worldwide obesity and diabetes...
In his 26 years with The New York Times, Smith has covered six U.S. presidential administrations. He will speak at 11:30 a.m. April 8 in Macky Auditorium at CU...
The University of Colorado’s Anschutz Health and Wellness Center (AHWC) has been recognized by the Clinton Foundation for its pledge to reduce childhood...
The University of Colorado Boulder is ranked No. 4 in the nation for graduates serving as Peace Corps volunteers, with 93 alumni currently serving around the...
Six faculty members recently received Teaching Enhancement Grants from the Faculty Resource Center (FRC). The grants were announced by Dave Anderson, faculty...
Crowded into a committee room at the Capitol, a bipartisan group of legislators listened intently as they received an introduction to the University of...
Ethics is nothing more than knowing the difference between right and wrong, and choosing to do the right thing. If you maintain your own personal integrity,...