This year’s Inclusive Sports Summit (ISS) will explore privilege, inclusion and diversity within sports and recreation. CU Boulder Athletics and Recreation...
If campus employees have thought “I could really use this software to do my work easier,” the Office of Information Technology provides a way to evaluate and...
Daniel Casillas, one of two student members of the Chancellor Search Committee, organized an open forum for the CU Denver community. Dr. Venkat Reddy,...
Perhaps the future of modern, transformative medicine begins with a bridge to the past. “Our genes are as old as the universe – everything that proceeded us is...
The University of Colorado is partnering with Landed to launch a down-payment assistance program to help qualified employees purchase homes in neighborhoods...
Roughly one story belowground, in an undisclosed location in Boulder County, close to a dozen engineers hustle up and down a series of utility tunnels—a...
Dr. Angie Paccione has been around higher education for a long time: as a professor, a student and Colorado legislator. The appointed leader of the Colorado...
On Feb. 4, Chancellor Venkat Reddy spent the afternoon back in familiar territory: teaching class in Dwire Hall. Reddy – who remains a tenured professor of...
If you were feeling confident that the U.S. government and all its states were prepared for the 2020 presidential elections, then the Iowa caucus on Feb. 3,...
If you thought you were hopelessly hooked on American politics, Jeremy Hosein, MD, can do you one better. Hosein, a senior neurosurgery resident at CU Anschutz...
The program is designed to provide knowledge and tools that organizations can use to build systems of transgender-affirming care in health care settings.
There’s a lot to consider and plan on the road to retirement. Employee Services is illuminating the path by hosting Retirement Ready on University of Colorado...
The Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology (COLTT) Conference is now accepting session proposals for 2020. COLTT 2020 categories include Affordable...
As Colorado’s March 3 presidential primary approaches, the University of Colorado reminds employees of guidelines regarding political campaign-related activity...
The highly-ranked mechanical engineering department at the University of Colorado Boulder is being named after Colorado philanthropist and businessman Paul M...
Retired faculty and soon-to-be retired faculty are invited to join the newly-created CU Boulder Retired Faculty Association, an organization whose aim is to...
Cannabis research, the Parker Solar Probe space mission, and British history and Latin inscriptions take center stage this spring as part of the CU on the...
Three new AACSB-accredited cybersecurity management emphases will be making their way to the College of Business starting fall 2020. UCCS students may now...
On Tuesday, Jan. 28, Dr. Angie Paccione, executive director of the Colorado Department of Higher Education, and Beverly Orton Jones, director of industry...
Access to firearms and other lethal methods of suicide during periods of risk can make it more likely that a suicide attempt will end in death. Yet many...
Editor’s note: This is one in a series of commentaries by CU faculty, presented by the Faculty Council Communications Committee and CU Connections. Learn more...
Editor’s note: This is part of an ongoing CU Connections series in which the Faculty Council highlights each of its committees and their efforts. See past...
The Office of the President has provided funding to encourage the development of sustainability innovations by CU students for their campuses and communities...
The search for a chief diversity officer for the CU system is advancing on schedule, the Faculty Council was told during its Jan. 23 meeting at 1800 Grant St...
Susan Heinzeroth, director of SageRiver Consulting and a faculty member in the management division of CU Denver’s Business School, will be the keynote speaker...