With the university facing challenges because of COVID-19 and an uncertain financial future, the University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) on April 16...
After compiling comments from University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) and individual campus council members, UCSC council chair Ryan Untisz late last month...
Proposed legislation that would change how members of the CU Board of Regents are chosen was the topic of a special meeting Monday of the University of...
Encouraging the university community to offer feedback on the CU strategic planning process, President Mark Kennedy and Angelique Foster, assistant vice...
Susan Heinzeroth, director of SageRiver Consulting and a faculty member in the management division of CU Denver’s Business School, will be the keynote speaker...
Initial reports enumerating best practices as determined by working groups in the University of Colorado Strategic Planning process have been submitted, Todd...
The co-chairs of the strategic planning committee presented an update on the university’s strategic plan, which is intended to create a roadmap to focus CU...
The status of President Mark Kennedy’s strategic plan and the implementation of LinkedIn Learning were discussion highlights of the first official meeting of...
University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) members reflected on what was accomplished this year and goals going forward during their May 30 meeting at system...
Eight University of Colorado staff members – representing each campus and system administration – were honored with Service Excellence Awards during the...
Nominations are being accepted for the University of Colorado Staff Council’s (UCSC) annual Service Excellence Awards, which recognize staff members who have “...
The staff representative who sits on the University of Colorado presidential search committee talked with University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) members...
Developing future leaders who reflect the communities they serve is the goal of the newly created University of Colorado Denver|Anschutz Staff Inclusive...
During their first meeting of the academic year, University of Colorado Staff Council members heard updates on a variety of issues, including the search for...
All four University of Colorado campuses are exploring the merits of offering a paid parental leave policy, a move that had been recommended by the CU Staff...
In an effort to more effectively serve its constituents, the University of Colorado Staff Council sent out a Working Climate Survey in fall 2016 to ask how...
Nearly half of respondents to the University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) Work Climate Survey said they felt that paid parental leave was very or extremely...
The University of Colorado Staff Council discussed a variety of issues during its regular monthly meeting Feb. 15 on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. During the...
Two guests spoke to University of Colorado Staff Council members about communications and policy during the group’s Nov. 9 meeting on the University of...
Regent Jack Kroll, D-Denver University of Colorado regents Jack Kroll and Heidi Ganahl were guests of the University of Colorado Staff Council during its...
CU Staff Council Service Excellence Award winners, from left, Connie Amen, Elizabeth Volkert, Sharon Vieyra and Gregory Williams. Four University of Colorado...
A University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) committee is developing a working research outline in an effort to propose an equitable and consistent paid...
After more than 2,700 staff members responded to the benefits and work survey developed by the University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC), the raw data now...
University and classified staff members, as well as working retirees, this week received a work and benefits survey developed by the University of Colorado...
A formal review of University of Colorado Regent laws and policies – 98 in total – is underway and the University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) will be able...