Bruehl Otanez Borrayo Peggy Bruehl , instructor, and Aimee Bernard , senior instructor, Department of Integrative Biology at CU Denver, attended an intensive weeklong National Science Foundation-...
Ryan Chreist has been named assistant vice chancellor for alumni relations at the University of Colorado Boulder. Chreist, who most recently served as the director of recruitment, operations and...
Hill McCaslin Linas Messersmith Coussons-Read Furness Kacenga Parker James O. Hill , executive director for the Colorado Center for Health and Wellness at the University of Colorado, professor of...
Austin James Austin, a professor of music education, has been named interim dean of CU-Boulder’s College of Music. Austin joined the college in 1994 and has served as associate dean of undergraduate...
Phil Trujillo , head coach of men’s golf at UCCS, recently was named the Eaton Golf Pride South Central Region Coach of the Year in conjunction with the Golf Coaches Association of America. It is his...
Robin Michaels , associate professor of cell and developmental biology, is stepping down after 19 years at the School of Medicine at the University of Colorado Denver. Michaels serves as assistant...
Dominic F. Martinez , senior director of Office of Inclusion and Outreach, and Deidre Houston Magee, School of Medicine BA/BS to MD program, presented at the 26th Annual National Conference for Race...
Theodorescu Dan Theodorescu , director of the CU Cancer Center and Paul Bunn Professor, has been appointed to the editorial board of Cancer Research, the flagship journal of the American Association...