Harbeson Eric Harbeson , music special collections librarian at the University of Colorado Boulder, recently became the first recipient of the Robert L. Oakley Memorial Scholarship Award , which...
Hand Victoria Hand , assistant professor of the University of Colorado Boulder School of Education, developed the STEMsation Mentor Training Program with funding support from the school’s Women...
Several University of Colorado Boulder School of Education faculty members recently were recognized for a variety of honors and activities. Rubén Donato is a 2012 recipient of the CU Parents...
Faculty, staff and students were recognized for outstanding contributions and service to the campus community at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs Campus Awards Ceremony on May 2. Although...
Top photo, back row: Ian Abeyta, Dominic Martinez and Vicky Saulsberry; front: Jim Do. Bottom photo: Vicky Saulsberry, Tate VanWinkle, Medhat Ahmed, in front Christian Valtierra. Not pictured...
Shull Anthony Shull, director of the Office of Global Programs, College of Education at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, recently was named executive director of the Office of...