System Staff Council announced that the Student Employee of the Semester Award Winner for spring 2016 is Samantha Nguyen, Technology Transfer. The award is given to a system administration student...
The Dining and Hospitality Services department was recently notified of a bronze award for the most innovative wellness and nutrition program in the 2016 Nutrition Awards Contest sponsored by the...
Carter Pann was lounging in a Miami pool when word first came. It was a Tuesday and the CU music professor had a three-hour window before an evening performance with the Frost Wind Ensemble at the University of Miami.
The 2016 Campus Awards Ceremony celebrated campus and individual accomplishments April 27 at Berger Hall.
The University of Colorado Department of Medicine has selected the tenth recipient for its Outstanding Early Career Scholar Program, biomedical informatics researcher Catherine Lozupone, PhD. The...
Over the years, people have suggested that dance Professor Michelle Ellsworth transition to being a visual artist. She just laughs.
Four staff members were honored for exemplary service to their campuses and the community during the University of Colorado Staff Council’s annual...
On Friday, April 1, 20 staff and faculty members were recognized with the Marinus Smith Award during a reception hosted by New Student & Family Programs and CU Parents Association (CUPA). The...
The wide breadth of research and creative activities of CU Denver faculty was once again on full display at the Office of Research Services’ (ORS) grant awardees breakfast.
April 8, 2016
2:00pm – 5:00pm
The English Department and Shakespeare 400: The First Folio at CU-Boulder are teaming up to throw a party for Shakespeare and for those of us who...
April 11, 2016
6:30pm – 8:30pm
The event promises to be an exhilarating and educational look at hidden disability through one man's (and his service dog's) perspective. The Auraria...
March 31, 2016
5:00pm – 7:00pm
Jack Maness, associate professor and director of the University Libraries’ sciences department, will discuss his trilogy of historical novels set in...
The University of Colorado has won top honors for its work last summer modernizing and updating its retirement plans—a project that is projected to save CU faculty and staff nearly $5 million in fees...
Boulder’s Gijs de Boer, 36, is one of 106 recipients of the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on science and engineering...
Since 2010, the Boettcher Foundation’s Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Awards Program has provided powerful lines of support to young researchers across the University of Colorado and beyond. This year will see the assembling of a seventh cohort of Boettcher Investigators.