Gayanne Scott , executive director of the Division of Resource Management at UCCS, will become senior executive director of human and financial resources in the Division of Resource Management. Scott...
Wyatt Yoder Erbert Fields Holly Wyatt, associate professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Diabetes at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, is...
Kevin Krizek, professor of environmental design Seven University of Colorado Boulder faculty and staff have received Fulbright grants to pursue research, teaching and training abroad during the 2013-...
Maren Additon , director of budget and operations for Student Affairs, and Daniel Sher , dean of the College of Music, were each honored with the Robert L. Sterns Award for their exceptional...
Beer Gary Lewis , director of orchestras and professor of music at CU-Boulder, will rehearse students chosen for the National High School Honors Orchestra. The honors orchestra is a collection of 100...