Herdt The “BioSIPs” technology project by Julee Herdt , professor in the College of Architecture and Planning (CAP) at the University of Colorado Denver and a working architect, was selected as a...
CU Denver attendees at the College Television Awards: front, from left, students Deana Macdonald, Rylan Rafferty, Nicole Natal and Michelle Strand; back, from left, faculty members James Phelan,...
Chris Yakacki , assistant professor of College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS), mechanical engineering at CU Denver, recently served as a guest editor for Polymer Reviews, the second-most...
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention and the CDC Foundation honored James Todd , professor of pediatrics and microbiology in the CU School of Medicine and a physician at Children's...
Stephanie Hanenberg , director, Student Health Center at UCCS, recently was elected to serve as a board member for the American College Health Association. Hanenberg will represent Region II, which...
Andreas Huber Ott Keränen Fred Andreas , assistant professor adjunct of architecture at CU Denver, has been invited to be a featured speaker at the Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation (APEC)...
Albertson Julie Albertson, senior instruction at the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, was named Instructor of the Year and was recognized at...
David Nesbitt David Wineland Two University of Colorado Boulder faculty -- David Nesbitt , an adjoint professor of chemistry and biochemistry, and David Wineland , an adjoint professor of physics in...
Ian Smith ’s sense of humor, experience on campus, and willingness to go outside of his position description, make the departments of history, philosophy and humanities run smoothly and effectively,...
The Boulder Faculty Assembly (BFA) recently recognized the recipients of the 2012-2013 Faculty Excellence Awards. Each spring, the BFA presents up to 12 members of the Boulder Faculty Senate with...
From left, Kacenga, Shull, Alterkawi of King Saud University and Stevenson. George Kacenga , director of International Enrollment Management at CU Denver; Anthony Shull , executive director of...
The 2013 winners of the CU-Boulder’s Campus Sustainability Awards program, which was established in 1997 to recognize outstanding individuals and departments demonstrating strong commitments to...