Campus 5K and roll call to honor Veterans Day
The Office of Veteran and Military Student Affairs will commemorate Veteran’s Day with a 5K run through campus and by participating in the National Roll Call project.
The Veterans Day 5K Run and 3K Walk will begin at 9 a.m. Saturday at the Forster House before looping around campus.
“We wanted a fun and athletic event to really raise awareness for this year’s Veterans Day,” said Phillip Morris, director, Office of Military and Student Affairs.
Registration for the race costs $25, with proceeds donated to The Home Front Cares, a local nonprofit that provides financial assistance, goods and services to families of active duty, activated reserves and National Guard troops based in Colorado serving in harm’s way and the UCCS Student Veterans’ Organization.
After the race, prizes will be awarded in a number of categories, including overall place, age group and best team effort.
To register for the Veterans Day 5K Run and 3K Walk, visit:
On Monday, the Office of Military and Student Affairs will observe Veterans Day by participating in the National Roll Call project, which recognizes members of the U.S. armed services killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Beginning at 7 a.m. in Berger Hall, the names of about 5,000 service members who died as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom since will be read aloud.
Volunteers are sought to read the names as part of the ceremonies. To participate, call 719-255-3253, or visit
At noon, all participating campuses will observe a simultaneous nationwide minute of silence.
The Office of Veteran and Military Affairs will also host an open house from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday in Berger Hall to share the services offered to active duty military members, veterans and families.
Other events to honor Veterans Day include:
The Invisible War
Today | 5:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. | University Center room 302
The Office of Veteran and Military Affairs and Women’s and Ethnic Studies will present a screening of the documentary “The Invisible War,” which investigates rape within the U.S. military.“We know that not all trauma is caused on the battle field, and want to be there to support all our veteran and military students and their needs,” Morris said. A panel discussion will follow the movie. The panel will include individuals from the UCCS Counseling Center, Women’s and Ethnic Studies and a Military Sexual Trauma Counselor.
Military Creative Expressions Art Exhibit Reception
Tuesday l 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. | Kraemer Family Library Apse
An art exhibit featuring the work of UCCS and Colorado Springs veteran and military students will be on display in the Kramer Family Library Apse Oct. 30 – Nov. 30. A reception is scheduled for 5 p.m. Tuesday and will include a meet and greet with the artists, as well as a discussion on the process of artistic healing for military veterans.