Brenda Bonn , who previously owned a small executive administrative assistant company, became executive assistant to UCCS Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak effective Nov. 1. Since May 2013 and from...
Marty Otañez , associate professor in anthropology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at CU Denver, recently was an invited instructor at the two-week global tobacco control course at the School...
Russ Saunkeah , currently the general manager of campus food services for Sodexo Inc., will become executive chef and associate director of culinary services for UCCS. Saunkeah’s appointment became...
Tim Byers , associate dean for public health practice at the Colorado School of Public Health, recently was awarded the first Latino Research and Policy Center (LRPC) Outstanding Mentorship Award,...
Gayanne Scott , executive director of the Division of Resource Management at UCCS, will become senior executive director of human and financial resources in the Division of Resource Management. Scott...
Wyatt Yoder Erbert Fields Holly Wyatt, associate professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Diabetes at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, is...