Williams Nacht and Anderson Rhonda Williams , associate professor of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs College of Education, recently was named Counselor Educator of the Year by the...
Wang Xiao-Jing Wang , professor in the Department of Pathology at the University of Colorado Denver and the director of the head, neck and squamous cell carcinomas research program at CU Denver, was...
Altayli Benek Altayli , director of the University Counseling Center, is the winner of the annual Service Excellence Award for her contributions to the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. The...
Finley Stephannie Finley of Monument recently was named executive director of university advocacy and partnerships within the University Advancement Division at the University of Colorado Colorado...
Sutton Jeannette Sutton , senior research associate at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs Trauma, Health and Hazards Center, recently travelled to the White House to give a presentation to...
Krizek Kevin J. Krizek , professor of planning and design, co-director of the Active Communities / Transportation (ACT) Research Group and director of the doctorate Program in Design and Planning has...
System Staff Council recently conducted elections with the following employees elected, or re-elected, as members: Judy Anderson , University Counsel (re-elected); Lisa Carr , University Information...