The university’s Kaiser medical plan has typically offered greater benefits at a lower cost as compared to the state’s offering, which led many classified...
In separate meetings Feb. 16, the groups voted unanimously in favor of the proposal that allows university employees to transfer use of the current nine-credit...
University of Colorado Boulder Provost Russell L. Moore announced that four finalists have been named for the position of dean of the College of Arts and...
The University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) is seeking nominations of classified staff and professional exempt employees for the annual Service Excellence...
Whether you are an athlete, a musician or a stroke patient learning to walk again, practice can make perfect, but more practice may make you more efficient,...
This issue, CU Connections debuts a new feature series, Philanthropy at Work. Each installment will highlight faculty and staff who have made gifts to CU.
Liz Bradley is a great professor because she loved being a student. The computer science professor graduated from MIT with three degrees – a bachelor’s master’...
Many Americans overestimate the degree of polarization between Democrats and Republicans, and this misconception is associated with citizens’ voting behavior...
Some 10 projects across the University of Colorado system have been awarded Diversity and Excellence Grants for 2012. The review committee for Diversity and...
The 64th Annual Conference on World Affairs (CWA) is set for April 9-13 on the University of Colorado Boulder campus. Last year’s CWA attendance was 90,200 at...
The Office of Academic Affairs is soliciting nominations for the annual Faculty Community Service Award. An endowment from the Chase Corporation through the CU...
A long-discussed expansion of the tuition waiver benefit for University of Colorado employees is on track to take effect in April, in time to allow for...
Be Colorado is bringing the very popular Colorado Weigh program to the Boulder, Denver and Colorado Springs campuses with a subsidized Phase 1 class starting...
The University of Colorado Board of Regents on Wednesday authorized a new systemwide program that will offer in-state tuition to dependents of military...
The university’s brand isn’t a logo or a slogan. It’s the feelings and perceptions our constituents have about the University of Colorado as part of their...
Five members of the University of Colorado community – leaders among faculty, staff and students at four campuses – have been named recipients of the 2012...
A partnership between the Crow tribe and the University of Colorado is working to change conditions on the reservation, which sits just southeast of Billings.
University of Colorado Boulder Professor Gifford Miller collects dead plant samples from beneath a Baffin Island ice cap. A new study led by Miller indicates...
People who made New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier or lose weight might also want to brush up on their math skills, according to Professor Donald...
More than 120 faculty, staff, alumni, friends and supporters of the University of Colorado attended last week’s CU Advocates reception at CU-Boulder, the first...
For the second straight year, the University of Colorado Boulder is ranked No. 1 in the nation for graduates serving as Peace Corps volunteers with 112...
Boulder Staff Council is hosting blood drives over the next two weeks: 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Jan. 30-31, University Memorial Center (UMC), Rooms 382-386 10 a.m...
The Universal Design and Accessibility Committee (UDAC) at CU-Boulder is seeking nominations for best website design among the University of Colorado campuses...