The University of Colorado’s effort to advance its coordinated online education initiative took another step forward at the Board of Regents retreat in...
The CU Board of Regents on Wednesday officially welcomed two new members and one returning member as the three recently elected representatives took their...
A new Web page on the CU Board of Regents’ website provides easy access to the university’s Principles of Ethical Behavior, a regent law that makes members of...
Each year, the recognition goes to faculty members who demonstrate exemplary performance in research or creative work, a record of excellence in classroom...
Leaders at the University of Colorado Denver last month were the latest to present findings of program prioritization to the CU Board of Regents, which also...
Board of Regents hears how, in the past decade, the state’s investment in financial aid has seen a slight gain, while institutional aid at CU has more than...
At the board’s meeting Wednesday at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, CU’s four campus chancellors stood together before the regents – possibly a...
Because incumbents James Geddes, R-Sedalia, and Joe Neguse, D-Broomfield, are not running for re-election, the board will welcome at least two new members in...
Citing forecasts that show the possibility of public higher education receiving no state funding in the future, members of the Board of Regents told Faculty...
Valued at $40 million, the gift of The Wildlife Experience facility in Douglas County from Dave and Gail Liniger and their family to CU was announced Sept. 11...
Valerie Simons, CU-Boulder’s new director of institutional equity and compliance and Title IX coordinator, last week updated the regents on crucial steps that...
Members of the board praised the new college and degree programs at the College of Media, Communication and Information as having the potential to set a...
An internationally known expert in pediatric endocrinology, Philip Zeitler's research has contributed greatly to the world’s understanding of pediatric Type 2...
Members of the CU Faculty Council last week discussed findings of the university’s recent Social Climate Survey, reviewing positives and potential challenges...
The Board of Regents reinforced its commitment to Title IX compliance, including ending sexual harassment and sexual assault on its campuses and working with...
The University of Colorado Denver reported to the CU Board of Regents at its June meeting that more than half of its new resident freshmen are a racial/ethnic...
New CU-Boulder college approved, capital construction projects move forward, vice president of advancement named, new chair and vice chair elected, more.
A collection of articles from the University of Colorado's Board of Regents meeting June 26-27: Update: Social climate survey shows many positives, some room...