Chancellor Horrell updates regents on her 80-day Reach Out and Listen tour, says CU Denver is a 'can-do' institution

Chancellor Horrell updates regents on her 80-day Reach Out and Listen tour, says CU Denver is a 'can-do' institution

Through a Reach Out and Listen tour that’s involving faculty, staff, students and community members, CU Denver is honing in on a shared vision and direction to...
Modest tuition increases include new four-year guarantee at CU-Boulder

Regents unanimously approve faculty, staff salary increases

The University of Colorado Board of Regents on Wednesday unanimously approved a base-building 2 percent salary pool for CU-Boulder, CU Colorado Springs and CU...
Board of Regents Meeting Coverage

Complete Board of Regents meeting coverage

Regents unanimously approve faculty, staff salary increases, Modest tuition increases include new four-year guarantee at CU-Boulder, New vice chancellor on a...

Modest tuition increases include new four-year guarantee at CU-Boulder

The Board of Regents on Wednesday approved tuition rates for the 2016-17 academic year, including a new commitment to guarantee rates for resident...
New vice chancellor on a mission for CU South Denver

New vice chancellor on a mission for CU South Denver

Luella Chavez D’Angelo used to drive past the Liniger Building at CU South Denver, not quite sure what to make of the only visual cue of the University of...
Regents roundup: Tenure award, new degree approval, more

Regents roundup: Tenure award, new degree approval, more

At its April 5-6 meeting at the University of Colorado Denver, the CU Board of Regents approved one award of tenure. The faculty member is: University of...
As lawmakers assemble, budget uncertainty looms for CU

Changes to state budget, new bills bring good news for CU

This week’s introduction of the 2016-17 Long Bill – the state’s proposed budget – brought with it unexpectedly good, welcome news for higher education and the...
Regents awards

Regents highlight nine honorees

The University of Colorado Board of Regents has announced its selection of this year’s recipients of honorary degrees, Distinguished Service Award and...
Chancellor seeks regent input for strategic plan revisions

Chancellor seeks regent input for strategic plan revisions

What’s the best way to move an ambitious and far-reaching strategic planning process forward? At UCCS last week, the answer was to move people to big round...
Modest increases proposed for tuition, employee merit pool

Modest increases proposed for tuition, employee merit pool

Proposals for the 2016-17 budget year received last week by the CU Board of Regents include tuition and fee increases between 3 percent and 5 percent and an...
Diversity at CU: Recent progress encouraging

Diversity at CU: Recent progress encouraging

The University of Colorado has made strides in increasing ethnic diversity on its campuses: In the past decade, student headcounts have risen by nearly 50...
CU’s online initiatives making strides

CU’s online initiatives making strides

The CU Board of Regents last week heard about progress on several fronts of the University of Colorado Connect online initiative, which will formally launch in...
Sexual misconduct survey, Title IX

Sexual misconduct survey results shocking, but not unusual

Reports of sexual misconduct at CU-Boulder increased nearly 100 percent in 2013-14 and 2014-15, which means efforts to fuel awareness, encourage reporting and...
Boulder Athletics capital project update, roundup of meeting action

Regents roundup: Boulder Athletics facilities, more

With the final cost of improvements to Folsom Field totaling $24 million above the original budget, CU-Boulder leadership last week told the Board of Regents...
Regent candidates come together for debate

Regent candidates come together for debate

The three announced candidates for the District 1 seat on the CU Board of Regents assembled Tuesday night at CU Denver for this election year’s first debate,...
Board of Regents meeting begins today in Colorado Springs

Board of Regents meeting begins today in Colorado Springs

The nine-member CU Board of Regents will conduct its regular business meeting Feb. 18 and 19 at UCCS. A public session is scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m. Feb...
Regents to receive trio of budget options this month; Faculty Council meeting roundup

Regents to receive trio of budget options this month

The CU Board of Regents this month will be presented with three initial budget scenarios for the 2016-17 fiscal year, each reflecting varying levels of state...
Regents tour Fetal Care Center

Regents tour Fetal Care Center

The University of Colorado Board of Regents capped off a retreat on the Anschutz Medical Campus with a tour of the Colorado Fetal Care Center (CFCC) at...
Board hears chancellors’ progress report on University of Colorado Connect

Chancellors report progress on University of Colorado Connect

CU’s efforts to establish a united, collaborative portal for online education across the system – University of Colorado Connect – have begun to show dividends...

Regent proposes competition to build online-only degree

Regent Stephen Ludwig, D-Denver, has introduced a draft resolution to establish an online-only, three-year, general studies liberal arts undergraduate degree...
Distinguished Professors

Leaders in science, medicine are CU’s newest Distinguished Professors

The University of Colorado on Friday added four names to its roster of Distinguished Professors, the loftiest honor for faculty at the system’s four campuses.
CU Efficiencies

CU efficiencies saved nearly $40 million last year

The University of Colorado is succeeding in its mission to find and enact efficiencies at every level of operation to benefit students, faculty, staff and the...
State legislators honored as champions for CU

State legislators honored as champions for CU

University of Colorado leaders recently honored four members of the General Assembly for their dedication and service to CU, higher education and the state of...
New degrees earn approval of Regents; plus roundup of BOR actions at meeting

New degrees earn approval of Regents

The University of Colorado Board of Regents on Friday unexpectedly approved two new degree programs and discussed a third, which won’t receive a vote of the...
Michael Lightner, Ph.D.

Lightner named vice president for academic affairs

CU President Bruce D. Benson announced the appointment at Friday’s Board of Regents meeting at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs after receiving...
