Carpenter “Above the Ashes,” a documentary film directed, produced and edited by Michelle Bauer Carpenter, an assistant professor in digital design at the University of Colorado Denver College of...
Buszek Sakraida Skiba Yuk Lee , professor of planning and design at the University of Colorado Denver and associate dean of Academic Affairs-Denver, presented a paper, “Impact of Hypermarkets on...
John Stewart, a professor emeritus at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, died Dec. 29, 2011, at age 87. He was an international...
Margaret Murnane , a University of Colorado Distinguished Professor, has been chosen by President Obama to be chairwoman of the President’s Committee on the National Medal of Science. A CU-Boulder...
Wong Allen Finger Cynthia Wong , associate professor of English at the University of Colorado Denver, delivered the keynote address at the 19th METU British Novelist Conference on Dec. 13, in Ankara...
Erin Dillard University of Colorado Hospital Surgical Intensive Care Unit nurse Erin Dillard earlier this year fought long and hard to care for a very ill, pregnant 32-year-old patient. For her...
Neguse University of Colorado Regent Joseph Neguse , as well as other distinguished alums from the University of Colorado Law School, will be honored at the school’s annual Law Alumni Awards Banquet...
Forrester Colleagues and supervisors describe Newman Forrester as “willing and helpful.” Those positive comments garnered him recognition by Staff Council in November as an Employee of the Month...
Cleaves Rachel Cleaves , community development coordinator in the Colorado Center for Community Development (CCCD), presented at the Environmental Protection Agency CARE Conference in Denver in...
Nelson-Marten Krizek Patricia Moritz, Amy Barton, Ph.D., and Vicki Erickson, Ph.D., joined External Relations Director Terry Biddinger Ellsworth University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus...
Wang Xiao-Jing Wang, M.D., Ph.D., a professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and director of the head, neck and skin cancer research program, has received a 2012 Scholar Award from...
Guy Glicken Carrington Talbot University of Colorado Denver School of Public Affairs Professor Mary Guy has been named winner of the NASPAA/ASPA Distinguished Research Award for 2012. She will...
Hartnett The National Communication Association (NCA) has selected Stephen Hartnett , Ph.D., of the University of Colorado Denver for the Golden Anniversary Monograph Award for his essay, “...