Darrell Stevens, Office of Advancement, is the recipient of the President’s Employee of the Year Award. He received the recognition and appreciation of exceptional job performance, which includes a $1,000 award, during a Tuesday ceremony presented by System Staff Council at 1800 Grant St.
In 2008, after Matthew Hallowell received his Ph.D. in civil engineering from Oregon State University, he received multiple hiring offers. He ultimately chose a position with the University of Colorado Boulder‘s Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (CEAE) “because of the collegiality and reputation of the program, the quality of the students and the work-life balance that can be attained in Boulder.” And then there was the matter of the mountains. He’s a hiker and mountain biker. (When he gets close to an ocean, he’s also a surfer.)
The University of Colorado has introduced five newly designated Distinguished Professors, the highest honor awarded to faculty across the CU system’s four campuses.
Bud Coleman went to a small, Texas high school and thought he would become an architect. But once he began university classes, he said, “I learned very quickly that my high school preparation in calculus and physics was very behind my peers.”
Brenda J. Allen, vice chancellor of diversity and inclusion at CU Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus, and Penina Axelrad, professor at Ann and H.J. Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences at CU Boulder, are the recipients of the annual Excellence in Leadership Award given by the systemwide Excellence in Leadership Program (ELP).
Martinez was a CU student in the McNair Scholars Program beginning in 2011, supported by the U.S. Department of Education. The program was defunded on the CU campus in 2012 after a 17-year history...