Murnane Margaret Murnane , a Distinguished Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder who has spent decades developing faster and more powerful laser systems, recently was named the winner of...
Ridgway Haugen The University of Colorado School of Medicine’s E. Chester “Chip” Ridgway, M.D . , was honored with the Lewis E. Braverman Lectureship Award during the 81st annual meeting of the...
Ned Calonge , M.D., president and CEO of The Colorado Trust, recently was elected to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the health arm of the National Academy of Sciences. Calonge teaches epidemiology...
Colorado prostate cancer researchers, from left, Scott Lucia, Jeff Kieft and Dan Theodorescu will share a $9.55 M grant with researchers at University of Virginia. When caught in its early stages,...
Bowman Kingdom von Dassanowsky Handelsman Christopher N. Bowman , professor and Patten Endowed Chair in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder,...
Regal Cindy Regal , a University of Colorado Boulder assistant professor of physics and associate fellow of JILA, has been awarded a prestigious David and Lucile Packard Fellowship for Science and...
Martha Jo Sani, a senior instructor emerita and highly regarded reference librarian at the College of Business Library at the University of Colorado Boulder, died Friday, October 7, 2011, in Boulder...
Kaukinen While statistics show sharp declines in violence against women over the past 30 years, vigilance is required to prevent a return to when domestic violence was not considered a crime, said...