Click for larger view Imagine driving down Nevada Avenue to a concert or sporting event, or to visit a renowned interprofessional sport medicine and sport...
Interested in utilizing the tuition benefit for Spring 2013 semester for yourself or an eligible dependent? Please visit to...
The System Office of Academic Affairs is soliciting proposals for the spring 2013 President’s Fund for the Humanities mini-grants. The President’s Fund for the...
Be Colorado held 17 health screenings across the university in October and early November, with 1,844 participants, a 50 percent increase in participation over...
Mary Coussons-Read, a professor and administrator with appointments at the University of Colorado Denver and the Colorado School of Public Health, on Tuesday...
Eric Teillinghast’s 04 556 “Rain Machine” drew more than 4,000 visitors to GOCA 1420. Attendance at UCCS Galleries of Contemporary Art (GOCA) events in the...
Josie Lobato demonstrates the Spanish colonial embroidery technique Colcha. Photo by Carol Dass The heritage and holiday traditions of Colorado’s San Luis...
Faculty from all disciplines are invited to become investigators in the CU President’s Teaching and Learning Collaborative (PTLC), now beginning its eighth...
Employee creativity and innovation were recognized and rewarded at the second annual CU Shared Practices (CUSP) Awards Presentation, held Nov. 1 at 1800 Grant...
UCCS students who participated in a “cemetery crawl” pose with their instructor, Barbara Headle, for a group picture. A first-ever Fountain Fairview Cemetery...
Tuition benefit forms are now being accepted for the spring 2013 term. All eligible employees may use up to nine credits per academic year (fall through summer...
The grants are intended to fund translational research that advances a discovery closer to clinical applications and that will improve the understanding,...
UCCS on Tuesday announced four finalists for the position of provost. Listed in order of their campus visits, the candidates are: David Moon, interim provost,...
CU Connections will not publish new issues on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22), Dec. 27 and Jan. 3. For the Nov. 29 issue, deadline for submissions is noon Monday,...
The first pieces of precast concrete will be followed by many more as an expansion of UCCS student housing continues. (Photo by Jeff Foster) The first of more... will no longer be available after 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 14. Employees should check out the CU Resources tab on individual campus and system portals...
CU leadership is looking to begin offering contracts for some non-tenure-track faculty as soon as fall of 2013, now that guidelines are in the process of being...
Leadership last year concluded that the officer and exempt professional personnel staff group requires a competitive compensation structure to attract and...
Qualls While not expecting the sale of Palisades at Broadmoor Park, the director of the project that integrated UCCS faculty into creating new models for...