The Cragmor neighborhood south of Austin Bluffs Parkway is scheduled for millions of dollars in improvements beginning this summer, residents learned during a...
“Boys in a Pickup” by Robert Adams. Free food, art, music and poetry will be highlighted during a First Friday exhibit scheduled for 5:15 p.m. to 9 p.m. June 7...
The President’s Teaching and Learning Collaborative (PTLC) – the University of Colorado’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Program – hosted its latest...
This is the one time of year when University of Colorado benefits-eligible employees and retirees may make changes to benefits. If you take no action, you will...
As construction crews work to complete the physical structure for the Lane Center for Academic Health Sciences on North Nevada Avenue, faculty members are...
University of Colorado benefits-eligible employees and retirees may make changes to benefits plans during Open Enrollment, which ends at 5 p.m. May 24.
Zhang Qingtang shares a “high five” during a reception. Five university vice presidents from China’s Jiangsu Province learned important lessons during an...
Tim Chamillard Tim Chamillard, associate professor, College of Engineering and Applied Science, is ready to take the plunge into the latest trend sweeping...
University of Colorado benefits-eligible employees and retirees may make changes to benefits plans beginning at 8 a.m. Monday and continuing until 5 p.m. May...
Starting July 1, all unwanted university computers and electronic equipment will be recycled with an e-Steward certified recycler. E-Stewards certification is...
The title of CU President’s Teaching Scholar signifies the university system’s highest recognition of excellence in and commitment to learning and teaching, as...
A new, five-story building with 100 faculty and staff offices is quickly taking shape. Gary Reynolds, executive director, Facilities Services, recently shared...
Kee Warner completes a seated row exercise with the assistance of student trainer Annoushka Ranaraja at the Campus Recreation Center. Kee Warner was not...
For the first time in six years, the cost to park at UCCS will increase. Effective July 1, there will be increases in all permit types used by faculty, staff...
Responsibilities of UCCS' Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance cover a variety of areas, including food services and the Office of Sustainability.
CU president will deliver an update on the state of the university, followed by a question-and-answer session with audience members. All faculty and staff are...
A leader in the fight to close wage gaps between women and men will be the featured speaker at a Monday event on campus. Lilly Ledbetter of Jacksonville, Ala...
The master’s degree program in counseling and human services at UCCS recently received a 2012 Professional Identity Award from the National Board for Certified...