The University of Colorado is a sponsor of the Seventh Annual Our Story Forum , a civic engagement event presented by the Latino Community Foundation of...
The CU Office of Academic Affairs invites submissions for 2020-21 awards and grants. Inquiries? . AWARDS Nominations for the following...
Among its many harsh lessons, 2020 has reminded the world about the power of waves – as in the alarming swells that come with a pandemic. For Nishanth...
“Inclusive Leadership: the Power of Workplace Diversity” is the title of a new course offering of CU on Coursera , the learning program available free to all...
Faculty Council Communication Committee 2020-21 members: Top, from left, Ibacache, Makarewicz, Scott, Stavrositu, Bell; bottom, from left, Beuten, Dedrick,...
When sharing personally identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI), get in the habit of thinking about your audience twofold: who is...
Diseases of the blood, like sickle cell disease, have traditionally taken a full day, tedious lab work and expensive equipment to diagnose, but researchers at...
At the six-month anniversary of their son’s passing, CU Anschutz police officer and his wife warn: ‘Follow the precautions ... In death, Cody’s saving a lot of...
Summit Biolabs announces strategic collaboration with Colorado Center for Personalized Medicine to develop and commercialize saliva liquid-biopsy tests for...
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts at the university got a boost after CU President Mark Kennedy collaborated with the CU Foundation Board of...
The Online Design and Development Team from CU’s Office of Digital Education was selected by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) as the recipient of its 2020...
The Faculty Council Communications Committee and CU Connections invite you to join our forum for conversation across the four CU campuses: CU Faculty Voices ...
Four clinical trials of a drug cocktail that President Donald Trump has proclaimed his miracle “cure” are underway on the University of Colorado Anschutz...
For the fourth consecutive year, faculty at the University of Colorado attracted over $1 billion in annual sponsored research funding and gifts. The 2019-20...
The focus of the systemwide CU Online program is shifting to the campuses after an assessment of the work to date reiterated what the CU team working on the...
CU President Mark Kennedy CU President Mark Kennedy and the CU Foundation Board of Directors are stepping up to provide more funding for mental health services...
The University of Colorado system’s All Four:One marketing campaign recently earned major marketing and advertising industry honors. In the Communicator Awards...
Mental health is one of the most overlooked global issues we face today. Nearly 1 billion people have been diagnosed with a mental disorder, and the COVID-19...
The technology, made possible by a gift to the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, could cut the screening time for...
Most physicians who conduct clinical trials say they were drawn to research because they wanted to discover new treatments and cures. Such findings are rare,...
Societal issues that spurred activism over the summer – racial injustice and police reform – drove discussion during the Sept. 24 Faculty Council meeting, held...
Members of the Executive Committee. Top, from left: Addison, Krakowiak, Terzian and Jones; bottom, from left: Weiss, Ferry and Zinser. Faculty Council is CU’s...
When COVID-19 hit the United States, many non-emergency surgeries and appointments were postponed. Child care centers closed. If you had a Flexible Spending...
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a global effort to help everyone stay protected whenever and however you connect. The overarching theme for the month...
As the pandemic wears on, doctors are learning more about how to better care for patients with COVID-19, but there is still so much to learn. Moreover, the...