April 15, 2021 /
Changes to two systemwide administrative policy statements approved

The Office of Policy and Efficiency (OPE) announces changes to the following administrative policy statements (APSs):
- 5062-Leave
- Adds section for paid sick leave during a public health emergency and revises the university sick leave policy as a result of the passage of Senate Bill 20-205, known as the “Healthy Families and Workplaces Act,” which requires employers to provide paid sick leave to employees under various circumstances.
- See related story: Sick leave will expand to all CU employees starting Jan. 1.
- 5063-Leave for Faculty Serving in Elected Office
- Moving into APS 5062-Leave with no changes.
These changes were reviewed by the campus chancellors and approved by President Mark Kennedy on April 1, 2021. The changes are made retroactive to Jan. 1, 2021, in conjunction with the changes to Regent Policy 11.E: Leave Policies for Faculty and Staff.
For more detailed information, go to https://www.cu.edu/ope/aps/latest-changes. For additional information on systemwide APSs, go to: http://www.cu.edu/ope.