University of Colorado faculty and staff no longer have to be alone in their search for answers to their health questions. Running March 8 through April 5,...
The Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology (COLTT) Conference is seeking session proposals for the 2017 edition. Organizers welcome meaningful and...
Spring 2017 student enrollment grew by 5.9 percent, or 631 students, to a record 11,366 from spring 2016, according to figures released this month. Spring 2012...
For many, the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program represents a tantalizing prospect. If you are in the right job with the right loans and the right...
A reorganization of two UCCS departments will improve the university’s communications and marketing efforts by encouraging collaboration across campus,...
The University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) is soliciting nominations of classified and university staff employees for the annual Service Excellence Awards...
Whether you’re 25 or 65, making smart decisions about your money and debt now will benefit your entire future. If you’re ready to get a clearer picture of your...
It’s tax season again and that means tax forms – including the W-2, 1095-C and 1042-S – are being mailed or made available online in the CU Resources area of...
The CU Office of Academic Affairs solicits submissions for the Chase Faculty Community Service Award and President's Fund for The Humanities mini-grants...
UCCS will name an under-development sports medicine and performance center in honor of a noted local philanthropic, amateur sports and diplomatic leader.
Faculty, staff and students from across the University of Colorado came together with state leadership and members of the CU Advocates – the grassroots network...
Members of the CU Faculty Council last week were invited into an ongoing discussion about a new systemwide vision statement, which the Board of Regents hopes...
Leaders at the University of Colorado’s four campuses have issued statements in response to the recent executive order by President Donald Trump temporarily...
The University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) is soliciting nominations of classified and university staff employees for the annual Service Excellence Award...
Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak received a standing ovation at her Jan. 25 all-campus forum as she concluded the meeting by urging faculty and staff members to...
Work from “These Things Are Tangible,” from left: Jodi Stevens, TRANSFERENCE, 2013, Yarn; Claudia Mastrobuono, Weight, fiber and stone; Sonya Yong James. “...
The CU Board of Regents last week began the process of articulating a vision for the university with a robust discussion of what the institution is and should...
When the lights went on in the new interlocking CU signs on the outside of CU South Denver, officially branding the facility in one of the fastest-growing...
Just starting your career? On your way to retiring? No matter what stage of life you’re at, there are ways to get more out of your money than you may recognize...
Gabby Douglas, a member of the U.S. Women’s Gymnastics team and three-time Olympic Gold medalist, will headline an elite athlete panel at 7 p.m. April 25 at...