Manisha Patel, Ph.D. (Photo by Isabella Muturi Sauve) The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research recently announced $1.5 million in total awards to...
The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs will begin its artistic management of the art gallery space at 121 N. Tejon in the Plaza of the Rockies building...
Colorado's small communities are going green, thanks to the Colorado Municipal League (CML) and a gift from the Wal-Mart Foundation. The University of Colorado...
A contingent from the University of Colorado at Boulder is attending the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which began Monday, Dec. 7, in...
Storm Gloor is in his fourth year at the College of Arts and Media, where his CAM Records course gives students real-world experience in the music business...
University of Colorado President Bruce Benson today asked state lawmakers and Coloradans to enter into a new partnership with higher education aimed at...
Faculty suggestions for an early retirement incentive plan being considered by administration and pending changes to administrative policy statements are on...
Yuki Busch, an information technology professional working as an Oracle database administrator in University Information Systems, recently was honored with the...
Donors, alumni receive video "thank you" Short videos were e-mailed to about 150,000 alumni and parents last month to say "thank you" for supporting the...
The IRS requires employers to remind their employees annually to review and make any necessary changes to their W-4 (employee's withholding allowance...
In what looked to be a giant game of Jenga, contractors recently assembled 13,000 square feet of hardwood floors as the University of Colorado at Colorado...
The Large Hadron Collider project involves nearly a dozen CU-Boulder faculty, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students and technical staff. A group of...
High school students eager to begin their careers in medicine now have the opportunity to "reserve" a seat in a top-ranked medical school immediately after...
Some faculty and staff throughout the University of Colorado system are sending money to the CU programs, initiatives and research they're close to — by making...
Patient-specific heart models such as this one will improve development of ValveXchange's artificial heart valve. (Photo courtesy of ValveXchange) ValveXchange...
On a tour of the science building, Joyce Carnes, senior project manager for Jacobs Facilities, describes the capabilities of the new teachers' podiums in a...
Barbara A. Gaddis, Ph.D., director of the Office of First Year Experience at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, received the first Excellence in...
A year after CU President Bruce D. Benson established the President's Task Force on Efficiency, most of its recommendations are at least partly in use, helping...
The Office of Policy and Efficiency has released its first year-end report, summarizing changes to systemwide policies made from July 1, 2008, to July 1, 2009...
At its Nov. 11-12 meeting at the Anschutz Medical Campus, the CU Board of Regents approved a lengthy slate of items. The board approved: The establishment of...
Regent Monisha Merchant , D-Lakewood, has been awarded a prestigious Marshall Memorial Fellowship for 2010, a traveling program that will send 54 emerging U.S...
Scrooge (Bob Buckley) finds the holiday spirit with the help of Tiny Tim (Addison Kleinhans) in the Colorado Shakespeare Festival production of "A Christmas...
Ross Kedl, Ph.D. ImmuRx, co-founded by Ross Kedl, Ph.D., assistant professor in the department of immunology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine,...
More than ever, major companies and entrepreneurial start-ups are seeking competitive advantage and success by embracing sustainability as a business strategy...