February 9, 2010 /
2009 W-2 forms
W-2 forms for the 2009 tax year have been mailed to all employees.
Employees should allow sufficient time for delivery. If you have not received your W-2, you may use the online self-service feature to reprint it.
For the Denver and Colorado Springs campuses, use the My.CU campus portal, select the My.Pay tab and scroll down to the Online W2 section to view and print your W-2.
For the Boulder campus, use CU Connect and select MyCU Links, W2 Statement.
Starting Monday, Feb. 15, Payroll and Benefit Services (PBS) will begin reissuing W-2s for employees on request. To order a reissued W-2, complete and submit a W-2/1042-S Reissue Request form to PBS.
International employees note: 1042-S forms were mailed Friday, Feb. 5.