Gregory Simon , assistant professor in Geography and Environmental Sciences at CU Denver, has teamed up with Stanford University to research the root causes of fire vulnerability. Given the increased...
Taisto Mäkelä Taisto Mäkelä , associate professor of architecture at CU Denver and director of Finnish Initiatives, published the article, “Why the Classical? Two Decades of Teaching at the...
Tim Byers , associate dean for public health practice at the Colorado School of Public Health, recently was awarded the first Latino Research and Policy Center (LRPC) Outstanding Mentorship Award,...
James Hynes , a CU-Boulder distinguished professor in the chemistry and biochemistry department, has been named a fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS). He is one of 96 scientists ACS honored...
Kevin Krizek, professor of environmental design Seven University of Colorado Boulder faculty and staff have received Fulbright grants to pursue research, teaching and training abroad during the 2013-...
Beall Divittorio Brink Keränen Jeffery Beall of the Auraria Library recently was awarded the Julie J. Boucher Award for Intellectual Freedom at the 13th Annual Colorado Association of Libraries...