President Benson reviewed nominations from colleagues and deans and, with the unanimous recommendation of a committee of Distinguished Professors, forwarded...
President Bruce D. Benson was optimistic and complimentary during his first campus town hall meeting of the fall on Sept. 20 while advising that neither...
The University of Colorado Boulder is receiving $6.5 million from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention to fund a five-year effort to reduce...
Each week the White House highlights “Champions of Change” who are making an impact in communities and helping America rise to meet the challenges of the 21st...
Representatives from eight faculty discussion groups listened to ideas and addressed questions from the public concerning a new CU-Boulder entity that will...
The University of Colorado Denver, Metropolitan State College of Denver and Community College of Denver on the Auraria Campus are seeking input from students,...
There’s no doubt he’s a sports fan, but his biggest rooting interest is the students – athletes and nonathletes – whom he helps educate at the University of...
Nominations are being accepted for University of Colorado 2012 Honorary Degrees, University Medals, and Distinguished Service Awards. Deadline is Nov. 15. An...
The President’s Fund for the Humanities was established to preserve a balance in the university’s programs of education and research by giving special...
The bioengineering department was in the media spotlight Friday as Rebecca Blank, acting U.S. Secretary of Commerce, toured the bioengineering lab of Prfessor...