As UCCS made the transition to remote learning in the last two weeks, multiple students and their families endured additional costs for last-minute travel and...
UPDATE: Gov. Jared Polis late Wednesday issued a stay-at-home order for the state through April 11. Members of the CU community continue to respond to and...
The ripple effects from COVID-19 are causing delays in some of the major systemwide initiatives that have been underway for several months at CU, including the...
After compiling comments from University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) and individual campus council members, UCSC council chair Ryan Untisz late last month...
A record-breaker and trendsetter in her own right, Christine Izuakor, Ph.D. ’16, enjoys shattering expectations while setting and meeting her own definition of...
The public health crisis brought about by the spread of COVID-19, or the new coronavirus, continues to present ramifications across the University of Colorado...
University of Colorado President Mark Kennedy today named two finalists for the position of chancellor of the CU Denver campus. They are Michelle Marks, vice...
Editor’s note: This is one in a series of commentaries by CU faculty, presented by the Faculty Council Communications Committee and CU Connections. Learn more...
In a rapidly changing world, the University of Colorado wants to prepare employees for the path ahead. That’s why the university offers no-cost access to...
Because of concerns about the coronavirus outbreak, the University of Colorado Staff Council’s (UCSC) Professional Development Day and Recognition Lunch,...
In an unprecedented move during unprecedented times, the Colorado state Capitol Democratic and Republican legislators voted to recess the 2020 legislative...
As the world navigates challenges presented by the spread of COVID-19, many faculty and staff members will begin working remotely on Mar. 16 to help prevent...
As the spread of coronavirus continues throughout the state, nation and world, University of Colorado leaders are announcing further steps in response. The...
CU’s strategic planning process continues to move forward, with leaders compiling a list of metrics that could eventually be employed to measure progress...
The study of humankind’s fascination with the apocalyptic worldview is a vast field, and has increased in interest over the last three decades with the...
Proposed legislation that would change how members of the CU Board of Regents are chosen was the topic of a special meeting Monday of the University of...
Nominations are being accepted for the University of Colorado Staff Council’s (UCSC) annual Staff Excellence Awards, which recognize staff members who have “...
University of Colorado campuses and system administration offer the following updates and information resources on the coronavirus outbreak: CU Boulder: https...
With the oath to patient care and the presentation of their white coats, 78 nursing students in the Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing and...
Editor’s note: This is one in a series of commentaries by CU faculty, presented by the Faculty Council Communications Committee and CU Connections. Learn more...
Encouraging the university community to offer feedback on the CU strategic planning process, President Mark Kennedy and Angelique Foster, assistant vice...
How can refugees create community far from home? And where does urban farming fit into the equation? National Geographic Society grantees Emily Skop and Cerian...
Regents begin considering tuition, salary increases Efficiency was the catchword during the budget and compensation presentation at Friday’s CU Board of...
Efficiency was the catchword during the budget and compensation presentation at Friday’s CU Board of Regents meeting at CU Denver. The board was given three...
Rapidly changing demographics and disruptive technology will drive profound change in Colorado’s workforce over the next decade, providing challenges and...