Several University of Colorado Denver students turned their spring break into a time of caring and sharing. As part of the second annual Alternative Spring...
The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) awarded nearly $1.4 million to a partnership of Colorado organizations to test a promising approach to...
Several students in the University of Colorado Denver's new BA/BS-MD program will receive School of Medicine scholarships thanks to a new endowment funded by a...
A vaccine technology developed jointly at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Naval Medical Research Center (NMRC) was licensed recently to...
Expense system classes on travel and the procurement card have been scheduled on each campus during April, May and June, as well as new 30-minute workshops...
With a commitment to self-funding and a longer-term vision of building a culture of health and wellness, university leaders see the 2010-11 benefits plan year...
Timothy Brown Gov. Bill Ritter praised the University of Colorado at Boulder for being awarded $2.4 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)...
Daniel N. Baker A strong interdisciplinary strategy has helped graduate students in the space sciences to realize their potential, according to Daniel N. Baker...
An independent review of the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine, initiated by leadership at the school and the University of Colorado Denver,...
Viewing children as empty vessels in need of filling was de rigueur in learning circles not so long ago. All of that has changed. Teachers now understand the...
The President's Teaching Scholars Program (PTSP) has begun its 2011 call for nominations , with dossiers being accepted from now through Nov. 12. University of...
Amid an extensive lineup of Earth Day events at the University of Colorado at Boulder through April 25, the campus will celebrate the 40th anniversary of its...
A formal dedication ceremony and reception honoring the members of the Gallogly family is scheduled for 5 p.m. April 21 at the Gallogly Events Center. Members...
Courtesy of Jeff Exstrum You can see it from Interstate 25. The new banner, 125 feet wide and two stories high, went up on the southwest side of the building...
Metro Crisis Services has received a grant of $300,000 over three years from the University of Colorado Hospital. The hospital's grant will support the launch...
Karen Niparko Karen Niparko, recently hired as director of the University of Colorado Denver Business School's Graduate Career Connections (GCC), will lead the...
Not everything in life is happenstance, but there are occasions when the universe simply takes over. When H. Lea Gaydos was a child, she had visions of a job...
The second round of budget-balancing steps made necessary by cuts in state funding will total $22 million throughout the University of Colorado system. All...
Establishing a health benefits program that will help build a culture of wellness begins with the university's return to self-funding its group medical plans,...
The 13th Colorado Learning and Teaching With Technology (COLTT) conference is set for Aug. 11 and 12 on the University of Colorado at Boulder campus. A call...
A Colorado Senate bill aimed at increasing flexibility for higher education, anticipated since the start of the current lawmakers' session at the Capitol,...
Photo courtesy Tufts University Robert Sternberg Photo courtesy Tufts UniversityRobert Sternberg The search committee established by University of Colorado at...
One of the most famous alumni of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs will provide the keynote address for students from UCCS, the United States Air...
Auraria Campus Students went to the polls March 31 and April 1 and collectively voted in favor of an extension of the bus and light rail pass program. The...
The University of Colorado ranks high among peers for its portfolio of patents, according to a recent list in the monthly magazine of the Institute of...