Open Enrollment (OE), the one time each year when University of Colorado faculty and staff may make changes to benefits plans, ends at 5 p.m. May 25. The 2012-...
House Bill 1252, legislation that would have required more detailed financial reporting in the form of searchable databases of all revenues and expenditures at...
U.S. Navy Surgeon General Matthew Nathan, right, hears about bladder cancer research from Dan Theodorescu, M.D., director of the CU Cancer Center, during a...
Melissa Hart conceived and has served as coordinator of the law school’s Public Service Pledge Program, which encourages law students to provide pro bono legal...
The University of Colorado Boulder will hold its spring graduation ceremony at 8:30 a.m. Friday at Folsom Field. The ceremony will honor candidates for 6,237...
Williams The late Ron Wisner’s words of encouragement never left Branden Williams, counselor, Office of Financial Aid, and a candidate for a master’s of arts...
Pyramid Plus: The Colorado Center for Social Emotional Competence and Inclusion at the University of Colorado Denver is pleased to announce that it will expand...
A new world-class model for healthier living has been built on the Anschutz Medical Campus, and officials, benefactors and dignitaries gathered Tuesday to...
Colorful new window signage with CU Denver logos, students' faces and provocative questions is featured on the Denver Campus. The Think Tank advertising...
Passwords have become a critical part of our daily lives. We use passwords to log on to a computer, read email, update finances, shop online and watch movies...
In an effort to reduce late afternoon congestion and ease parking problems, evening classes at UCCS will start 15 minutes later this fall. Chancellor Pam...
The Higher Education Association of the Rockies (HEAR) sponsored the Colorado Higher Education Legislative Update, an afternoon of discussion Friday at the...
Honor recognizes significant achievements of individuals and administrative units toward developing a more culturally diverse, competent and inclusive...
Beginning Monday, May 7, PBS will be conducting OE sessions, and representatives from the university’s and state’s group insurance plans will be hosting...
Leigh University of Colorado Boulder Provost Russell L. Moore on Tuesday named Steven Leigh as dean of CU-Boulder’s College of Arts and Sciences. Leigh...
Dayton Goodell explains his research project at the Research and Creative Activities Symposium at Anschutz Medical Campus Lydia Hooper describes her rainforest...
About 300 participants turned out for the ninth annual Relay for Life event at UCCS April 13 to recognize cancer survivors and raise money for the American...
It was common to find live butterflies flitting around and jars of caterpillars and collections of sea shells and feathers and pressed leaves decorating M...
The University of Colorado Board of Regents passionately agreed that student safety on campus is a No. 1 priority. They passionately disagreed, however, on how...
You love the University Memorial Center - Why? What!?! You don't like the UMC - Why not? Take the CU-Boulder UMC survey and tell why you do or why you don't...
A University of Colorado School of Medicine researcher who suffers from benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and had to “fix it” before she could go to...
A revolutionary research and teaching facility opening at the University of Colorado Boulder will facilitate work on a wide swath of pressing societal...