The University of Colorado at Boulder's Leeds School of Business named Manuel Laguna interim dean, effective Nov. 1. Laguna, with master's and doctoral degrees in operations research and industrial...
Kari Branjord, executive director of the University of Colorado's MetamorphoSIS project, was named Applications Implementer of the Year by Oracle Magazine. The bimonthly publication of leading...
CU President Bruce D. Benson greets the University of Colorado Denver's Mary Ann Shea, director of the President's Teaching Scholars program, and Provost Rod Nairn during a Tuesday reception at 1800...
Kristi Anseth, a University of Colorado at Boulder distinguished professor and the Tisone Professor in chemical and biological engineering, has been elected to the National Academy of Science's...
Adgate John Adgate, Ph.D., will chair the department of environment and occupational health at the Colorado School of Public Health. Adgate formerly worked at the University of Minnesota's School of...
Simoes Eric Simoes, M.D., professor of pediatric infectious disease at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, won a 2009 Award for Excellence in Global Health. The honor comes from the...