Bruce Curtis, center, helped dedicate the building named for him in 2002. As a student, President Bruce Benson (with wife Marcy, right) was mentored by Curtis. (File photo by Larry Harwood/University...
Boudreau Charlene Boudreau has been promoted to associate director of the Sport Management Program in the College of Business at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. She previously served as...
Ellen Greenblatt , associate professor and scholarly communications librarian at Auraria Library, recently was presented the Excellence in Online Teaching Award from the Web-based Information Science...
CU-Boulder art professor emeritus Ronald M. Bernier died Jan. 25, 2012, as a result of complications arising from multiple sclerosis. He leaves behind hundreds of former students who spent their CU...
Gutierrez Kris Gutierrez , a professor of literacy and learning sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder, has been named to a research panel formed by the International Reading Association to...
Noble Longtime University of Colorado Colorado Springs staff member Lee Ingalls Noble will serve as interim director of the Office of Veteran and Military Student Affairs. Noble will replace Dana...
Alexander E. “Sandy” Bracken, former University of Colorado president, has been appointed to the Quigg and Virginia S. Newton Endowed Chair in Leadership at the University of Colorado Boulder...