Terry Schwartz The University of Colorado Colorado Springs Master of Public Administration program is now independently accredited by the Network of Public...
The UCCS Aging Center recently received three grant awards, totaling more than $500,000, from the Colorado Health Foundation, Caring for Colorado Foundation...
Technology has the potential to transform teaching, creating new models for collaborative learning and increasing access to educational opportunities locally...
The Board of Regents reinforced its commitment to Title IX compliance, including ending sexual harassment and sexual assault on its campuses and working with...
The University of Colorado Denver reported to the CU Board of Regents at its June meeting that more than half of its new resident freshmen are a racial/ethnic...
New CU-Boulder college approved, capital construction projects move forward, vice president of advancement named, new chair and vice chair elected, more.
UCCS summer enrollment increased by 211 students, an almost 6 percent increase from a year ago, according to a June 16 report. The Office of Institutional...
Employee Services is undertaking a study to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the 401(a) and 403(b) savings plans, which have not been extensively reviewed...
Burnett Brian Burnett, senior executive vice chancellor, Administration and Finance, was named vice president for finance and chief financial officer for the...
The University of Colorado has a tolerant, respectful social climate, according to a recent systemwide survey requested by the Board of Regents, though some...
The $24.8 million project was advanced by the committee to the full board, along with all other capital projects proposed by all the campuses in their two-year...
If the idea of CU abandoning paper payroll checks for paycards alarms you, just look to the state’s neighbor to the east for reassurance of just how useful the...
Mathew Roesemann accepted the Outstanding Blood Drive Partner Award from Bonfils Blood Center President Bryan Krueger. UCCS on Monday was named the 2013...
The UCCS educator has loved science since she was young, spending time gazing up at the sky with her amateur astronomer father, and her interest hasn’t waned.
The Karen Possehl Women’s Endowment scholars are the living embodiment of the phrase, “Nothing is impossible: but sometimes, it just takes a little longer.”
“BRILLIANT 2014,” the UCCS Galleries of Contemporary Art’s third annual art party fundraiser extravaganza, is scheduled for 7 p.m. June 14 on the Nosh...
Calculating a baseball pitcher’s Earned Run Average is not college-level math. But that’s OK with Gene Abrams, professor, Department of Mathematics, UCCS, who...
Pam Shockley-Zalabak Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak and Brian Burnett, senior executive vice chancellor, Administration and Finance, shared what both called...
Procrastinators take note: Your window to enroll in benefits for the 2014-15 plan year will slam shut at 5 p.m. Friday. Whether you’re happy with your current...
Nearly a year after introducing a partnership between the university and online technology platform Coursera, the benefits of offering massive open online...
A reminder email with notification of the survey closing was distributed Wednesday. CU faculty, staff and students have only a few more days to provide their...