CU announces co-chairs to lead Strategic Plan 2.0

CU announces co-chairs to lead Strategic Plan 2.0

CU President Todd Saliman has announced two co-chairs of the next systemwide strategic planning process. Chad Marturano, Vice President and Chief Financial...
President Saliman begins series of campus visits

President Saliman begins series of campus visits

Casey A. Cass/University of Colorado President Todd Saliman and Vice President for Communication Jeff Howard greet CU Boulder Vice Provost and Associate Vice...

Working toward our vision: Strategic Plan update

With the New Year on the horizon, it is a good time to check in on the progress being made toward achieving the 2030 Strategic Plan. For several months,...

CU continues assessment of market downturn on strategic plan accelerations

A team of campus and system chief financial officers, representatives of the CU treasury and others is continuing its work to determine the impact of the...

Market downturn forces adjustments to strategic plan acceleration

What a difference a year makes. Almost exactly one year ago today, CU Connections reported that administration had shared with the Board of Regents a plan to...
Regents pass resolutions honoring outstanding CU leaders

Regents receive strategic plan progress update

The CU Board of Regents last week received the first full academic year-end reporting look at progress toward meeting goals detailed in the system strategic...
Regents presented with Campus and Workplace Culture Survey results

Regents presented with Campus and Workplace Culture Survey results

The Board of Regents on Thursday heard initial results of the Campus and Workplace Culture (CWC) Survey, in which University of Colorado students, faculty and...
Strategic Planning

CU making progress toward goals in systemwide strategic plan

CU has reached or is reaching most goals outlined in the systemwide strategic plan , the Board of Regents heard during a mid-year progress report from...
Strategic Plan Implementation Accelerating

Strategic Plan implementation accelerating

The University of Colorado is taking steps to accelerate efforts around its systemwide 2021-2026 Strategic Plan as well as campus strategic plans. Action steps...
Student success in focus for regents during strategic plan presentation

Student success in focus for regents during strategic plan presentation

The Board of Regents heard updates on student graduation rates and retention during the board’s most recent look at progress in CU’s systemwide strategic plan...
New engineering, design and computing building will serve as anchor for innovation district outlined in 2030 strategic plan

New engineering, design and computing building will serve as anchor for innovation district outlined in 2030 strategic plan

CU Denver moves forward with plans for a cross-disciplinary building dedicated to top-flight academic, research, and experiential programs that will prepare...
CU Denver kicks off yearlong brand refresh

CU Denver kicks off yearlong brand refresh

As the CU Denver community over the past year embarked on visioning for the 2030 Strategic Plan, a common theme emerged: We have dedicated faculty and staff...
Systemwide strategic plan earns backing of Board of Regents

CU Strategic Plan: Robust research goals ahead

Key research leaders across the CU system highlighted achievements and detailed goals for the next five years during Friday’s Board of Regents meeting. For the...
Systemwide strategic plan earns backing of Board of Regents

Systemwide strategic plan earns backing of Board of Regents

The Board of Regents on Friday gave its formal support to the new systemwide strategic plan, a document over two years in the making. The vote was 8-0; Regent...
CU Strategic Plan

Completed strategic plan sets direction for future of CU

CU’s strategic plan, work on which was launched nearly two years ago by CU President Mark Kennedy, received its official unveiling before the Board of Regents...
‘Work for All’: How CU Denver will become a leading public urban research university by 2030

‘Work for All’: How CU Denver will become a leading public urban research university by 2030

On June 17, Chancellor Marks presented to the CU Board of Regents the 2030 strategic plan, a profound repositioning of CU Denver to be a public urban research...
COVID-19 relief bill might have good news for CU

COVID-19 relief bill might have good news for CU

Federal relief legislation aimed at mitigating financial effects of the coronavirus pandemic potentially could mean $114 million in funding for the University...
Creating a roadmap for CU Denver’s next 10 years

Creating a roadmap for CU Denver’s next 10 years

Hear from some of the CU Denver community members behind the scenes of the 2030 Strategic Planning Process
Challenging times call for diversifying CU’s revenue

Challenging times call for diversifying CU’s revenue

The balance between state support and tuition revenue has changed markedly since the 1970s. State support was once more than three times tuition revenue. State...
Transformation and Innovation Program

CU Transformation and Innovation Program sets systemwide IT goals

CU’s Transformation and Innovation Program (TIP), launched last year as a key component of President Mark Kennedy’s strategic planning process , this week...
Strategic Planning Delayed

CU suspends strategic planning activity

University of Colorado President Mark Kennedy on Wednesday informed faculty and staff in a systemwide communication that he is suspending activity on CU’s...
Strategic planning goals: ‘aspirational and achievable’

Strategic planning goals: ‘aspirational and achievable’

CU’s strategic planning process continues to move forward, with leaders compiling a list of metrics that could eventually be employed to measure progress...
Strategic Planning

Staff Council hears latest on strategic planning process

Encouraging the university community to offer feedback on the CU strategic planning process, President Mark Kennedy and Angelique Foster, assistant vice...
CU Board of Regents

Strategic planning: Regents explore state’s future workforce needs

Rapidly changing demographics and disruptive technology will drive profound change in Colorado’s workforce over the next decade, providing challenges and...
Chief Diversity Officer search on track for February announcement

Chief Diversity Officer search on track for February announcement

The search for a chief diversity officer for the CU system is advancing on schedule, the Faculty Council was told during its Jan. 23 meeting at 1800 Grant St...
