Seven research efforts involving the University of Colorado at Boulder were among the top 100 science stories of the year selected by Discover Magazine — ideas...
The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs College of Business on Tuesday, Jan. 19, was awarded a $1.25 million grant to help further instill a high...
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) recently issued "Colorado's Public Health Improvement Plan — From Act to Action," a statewide...
The University of Colorado Technology Transfer Office tonight honors CU faculty and outside companies collaborating on the development of treatments for...
Showing how all organisms on Earth are related to each other has been a major goal of biologists since the time of Darwin. The "Tree of Life" illustration is...
Shiquan "Michael" Wang understands the vast differences between China and the United States, and he would like nothing more than to bring these two giants...
Nominations for the annual Chase Faculty Community Service Award are being accepted through Feb. 26 to honor a full-time faculty member who has provided...
Amgen, a leading biotechnology company with a Boulder County presence, has committed $1 million toward the Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building, a...
The University of Colorado Technology Transfer Office hosted its annual awards Tuesday, Jan. 18, honoring six faculty researchers, two companies founded on...
Mary McClanahan ('67, '69 AS) Amid CU-Boulder's storied progress in leading-edge fields such as biotech and energy, the university's classics department (...
University of Colorado/Casey A. Cass Like the old line about the three most important things in real estate, the University of Colorado's focus during the 2010...
In a year when government funding for higher education is a critical focus of lawmakers, interaction between politicians and University of Colorado educators...
The Office of Policy and Efficiency (OPE) has announced changes to nine policies in the areas of academic affairs, administrative/general, fiscal and legal...
Faculty researchers from all four university campuses have been chosen to participate in the President's Teaching and Learning Collaborative (PTLC) for 2010...
Patrick McTee loves to give away money. It's not that he's independently wealthy — he passes cash from other entities to worthy students at the University of...
The University of Colorado at Boulder is the nation's No. 5 "best value" public college or university for 2010 according to rankings released Tuesday, Jan. 12...
The Center for Homeland Security, part of the National Institute of Science, Space and Security Centers at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, will...
The lurking threat of a major epidemic over the last decade has captured the attention of the international media and the public, with fears running rampant...
The University of Colorado Hospital (UCH) is the first hospital in the state where patients may benefit from a new advanced imaging technology used in treating...
The University of Colorado and AmideBio LLC have executed an exclusive license agreement allowing the company to develop, manufacture and commercialize...
President Barack Obama today recognized the University of Colorado at Boulder for its leadership in science, technology, engineering and math — or STEM —...
Like many employers challenged by rising health care costs, the University of Colorado is launching an audit to verify the eligibility of dependents who are...
The President's Teaching Scholars Program and the President's Teaching and Learning Collaborative invite proposals from university faculty for sessions at the...
At an early age growing up in rural Indiana, Norman Pace, Ph.D., learned he had an affinity for microscopes and chemistry sets. He was so taken by the "unseen...