A new book published by the university, "Gifts from the Heart - Stories, Memories, and Chronicles of Lucille Gonzales Oller," provides a peek into the history...
The University of Colorado at Boulder is co-sponsoring the first "All Colorado Alumni Career Fair" from 1 to 6 p.m. Thursday, June 17, at the Ramada Plaza...
Andes Beverly Andes' career in higher education began almost 20 years ago, in the spring of 1991, when she was hired as a "Clerk 2" to answer phones, type...
Early registration has begun for the 13th Colorado Learning and Teaching With Technology (COLTT) Conference, which promises an exceptional professional...
Kris D. Gutiérrez, professor and Provost's Chair in the School of Education at the University of Colorado at Boulder, has been nominated by President Barack...
This year's CLC class at UCCS Grant Matthews (UCCS '10) had been an integral member of the Chancellor's Leadership Class (CLC) throughout his time at the...
"Running shorts" takes on different meaning at the Undy 5000, a 5K and family fun run to benefit the Colorado Colorectal Screening Program at the University of...
Lori Krug Among the slate of 12 Guiding Principles of the University of Colorado approved at the Feb. 11 meeting of the Board of Regents was one that pertains...
Photo by Andi Fabri/University of Colorado The VAC opened to art and art history classes in December 2009. Photo by Andi Fabri/University of ColoradoThe VAC...
Ron Wisner, dean of students at UCCS from 1979 to 2003, died Friday, May 21, in a mountain bike accident in an open trails area between Monument and Castle...
Jerry Wartgow Editor's note: This story appeared as an update after the publication of last week's Newsletter. Jerry Wartgow has been named interim chancellor...
University of Colorado Hospital (UCH) has announced ambitious plans to add a second inpatient tower to meet what has grown into enormous demand for its...
Carol Robinson Reynolds (BA '58, MA '68, EdD '78) knows the value of a CU degree. After all, she has three of them, the last two from the School of Education...
The University of Colorado and Taste Connections LLC, a California-based company, have completed a licensing agreement allowing Taste Connections to...
Big changes are coming to the employee learning system SkillPort. Later this month, SkillPort 7 will be released, providing employees with a new look and feel...
Cancer patients in Colorado scored a big win last week as Gov. Bill Ritter signed two bills into law that increase their access to anti-cancer therapies. "...
The university technology transfer community last month received a request for information from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the...
Jerry Wartgow Jerry Wartgow today was named interim chancellor of the University of Colorado Denver by CU President Bruce D. Benson. A veteran of education in...
Sallye McKee, vice chancellor for diversity, equity and community engagement at the University of Colorado at Boulder, will resign from her position effective...
With the two major political parties just having wrapped up their Colorado assemblies last weekend, the field of candidates for three seats on the University...
In advance of next month's Board of Regents meeting, the University of Colorado Staff Council has launched an online survey to gather opinions from staff...
Photo courtesy Temple University Deborah W. Fowlkes Photo courtesy Temple UniversityDeborah W. Fowlkes The University of Colorado at Boulder has announced that...
Donna Langston honors an ethnic studies minor graduate. Donna Langston honors an ethnic studiesminor graduate. The ethnic studies minor is the third largest in...
M. Roy Wilson M. Roy Wilson, M.D., chancellor of the University of Colorado Denver and Anschutz Medical Campus, is leaving his current post to take on a new...