The arrival of a new governor and a Legislature consisting of roughly one-third new members brought an unusually high level of uncertainty to the 2011 Colorado...
The University of Colorado Faculty Council wound down its academic year in a meeting at 1800 Grant St. on Thursday, May 12. The council elected officers for...
Julie Krow Julie Krow's father was a psychologist; so was her mother. With such influences and a passion for helping people and the underserved, how could she...
Registration begins today for the 2011 Coleman Institute on Cognitive Disability and Technology Conference, set for Oct. 13 at the Westin Westminster Hotel. To...
Open enrollment (OE) for the 2011-12 plan year continues through 5 p.m. Friday, May 27. Go to the OE website – – for everything...
Editor's note: In addition to news coverage of meetings of the systemwide Faculty Council and Staff Council, the Faculty and Staff Newsletter posts meeting...
Three University of Colorado Boulder professors will receive five-year, $750,000 grants as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Early Career Research...
Mary L. Snyder The dean of the University of Alaska Anchorage College of Education will become dean of the UCCS College of Education for the 2011-12 academic...
Mortar boards and tassels symbolize the successful culmination of thousands of hours of studying, working and hoping by the approximately 2,100 students...
Robert H. Eckel, M.D. and Teri L. Hernandez, Ph.D., R.N. Liposuction has become one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the country. It has been around...
Klaus Timmerhaus Klaus Timmerhaus, a CU-Boulder professor for 42 years who died in February at age 86, believed the University of Colorado's teaching prowess...
It happens all too often: Internet browsing leads to a pop-up message promising $100,000. Intrigued, the web surfer clicks on it, which results in a severe...