Retirement Vendor Transition

Employees can prepare for retirement plan changes at Transition Workshops

This spring, the University of Colorado is dedicating six weeks to help answer the who, what, why, when and how of the new CU retirement Plans’ investment...
New videos show off ‘A Place for You at CU’

New videos show off ‘A Place for You at CU’

In high school, Dominic Martinez, senior director in the Office of Inclusion and Outreach on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, was told he...
Social media tip: Respect copyright and fair use

Social media tip: Respect copyright and fair use

CU faculty and staff are reminded that, when posting on social media, be mindful of the copyright and intellectual property rights of others and of the...
CU looks to keep tuition increases low

CU looks to keep tuition increases low

For the second consecutive year, proposed tuition increases for all University of Colorado campuses came in significantly below the 6 percent cap mandated by...
CU announces changes to modernize employee retirement plans

CU announces changes to modernize employee retirement plans

The University of Colorado on Tuesday announced it will modernize its retirement plan lineup, providing employees best-in-class investment options, lower fees...
CU securing permission of states beyond Colorado to offer online education

CU securing permission of states beyond Colorado to offer online education

The University of Colorado must seek permission to provide online education in states other than Colorado or to enroll students in online programs in those...
UCCS student Alex Sinchak speaks at Friday’s Board of Regents

Students make case for fossil fuel divestment to Board of Regents

A student movement aimed at persuading the University of Colorado to end its investment in the fossil fuel industry stirred discussion at last week’s meeting...
Benson stresses collaboration, cooperation at Staff Council appearance

Benson stresses collaboration, cooperation at Staff Council appearance

President Bruce D. Benson emphasized teamwork and collaboration during his university update to members of the University of Colorado Staff Council during its...
Colorado Learning and Teaching With Technology Conference 2015

Technology conference calling for proposals

The 2015 Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology (COLTT) Conference call for proposals is now open.
Unlock the secrets to building a video game with CU MOOC

Unlock the secrets to building a video game with CU MOOC

It’s a common thought among gamers: Sure, this video game is wicked cool, but it would have been better if only the programmer had (fill in the blank). So,...

Anthem breach update: How to enroll in credit protection services

Anthem Inc., parent company of one of the health insurance administrators for University of Colorado faculty and staff, has announced that current and former...
Social Media

Consider ramifications before posting to social media

You should think twice – no, three times – before posting to social media. Privacy does not exist in the world of social media. Consider what could happen if a...
Anthem continues responding to concerns over data breach

Anthem continues responding to concerns over data breach

Anthem Inc., parent company of one of the health insurance providers for University of Colorado faculty and staff, last week announced it was the victim of a...
Big crowd turns out for CU Night at the Stock Show

Big crowd turns out for CU Night at the Stock Show

Ralphie, the CU-Boulder mascot, and her fleet-footed handlers run across the Denver Coliseum to open the rodeo events at CU Night at the Stock Show on Friday...

In State of Campus address, Marks envisions ‘elite tier’ status

Lilly Marks, CU's vice president for health affairs and executive vice chancellor for the Anschutz Medical Campus, chats with Frederick Grover, M.D., left, as...

Gala raises over $170,000 for combat veterans at CU Denver, CU Anschutz

Army veterans who are now students at CU Denver and CU Anschutz enjoy dinner with their wives at the "Combat to Classroom" gala at The Liniger Building at CU...

CU on the Weekend offers free programs in Boulder, expands to CU South Denver

The public is invited to attend free, Saturday programs led by University of Colorado Boulder faculty on popular topics as part of the CU on the Weekend series...

CU-Boulder students, elementary schoolers discover ties that bind

By spending time at Boulder Public Library with CU undergraduates, elementary school students from Boulder County in the Reading Buddies program turn a page in...
Kathleen Bollard

Faculty Council recognizes colleagues

CU's Faculty Council recognized the contributions of four colleagues with its 2008-2009 awards during the governing board's May 14 meeting.
