CUSP Challenge highlights best practices across university

CU Shared Practices (CUSP) closed out another successful program year June 12 with the annual CUSP Expo at system administration offices. The expo, which is open to attendees from all campuses, highlighted the top 10 finalists for the 2015 program year. Finalists were a diverse group, united in their dedication to improve business processes and practices that were deemed “less than efficient,” ranging from the provision of accommodations for disabled students to oversight of travel processes (the focus of two teams this year).
The top cash prize ($1,500) for 2015 was awarded to DocuSign, a collaborative effort between members of CU-Boulder’s Human Resources and Business Services staff (Michael Murray, Nancy Portner, Ron Ried) and the CU-Boulder Office of Information Technology (Mark Diekhoff, Dan Jones and Desiree Robinson) to identify a secure and efficient document signing and tracking technology. Since its publication on the CUSP website, inquiries have been flowing in steadily to the DocuSign team, and it has been successfully implemented in a number of CU departments.
The remaining four $1,000 cash prizes were awarded to:
- CU Denver’s Department of Neurology Event Management System (Kathy Illian, David Vu, Zachrey Baud and Alina Rich), which utilizes iPads and scanners to expedite event and conference registration, as well as managing the reporting and surveys associated with these events.
- CU-Boulder’s Green Labs Initiative (Kathryn Ramirez Aguilar), a pioneering program for energy and resource conservation in CU’s extensive laboratory systems; it’s now being promoted at a number of colleges and universities across North America.
- CU-Boulder’s Research Administration On Boarding Process (Dave Christopher, Joan Eaton, Patricia Dodson, Laurie Clauson, Regina Montano, Chyrl Taylor, Charlotte Wiebeck and Jeni Comly), designed to enfold new hires in the professional business processes and culture of research administration.
- CU-Boulder’s Intro to Engineering Online Course (Cory Pavicich), a revitalized redesign of a large lecture hall-based survey course, now delivered to students online through a collection of professional-quality videos and interactive activities and projects.
See all submissions to CUSP, past and present, at