Shelby Wolf Professor, School of Education University of Colorado at Boulder Shelby WolfProfessor, School of EducationUniversity of Colorado at Boulder On any...
Casey A. Cass/University of Colorado Solar panels installed at the University of Colorado at Boulder on the roofs of the Coors Events/Conference Center,...
Richard Wobbekind Thank a man and some gorillas in a cage for pushing Richard Wobbekind to study economics, but thank his parents and mentors for helping him...
Howard Dean, former Democratic National Committee chairman, and Karl Rove, former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to former President George W. Bush,...
As delegates from Colorado and the rest of the country return to Capitol Hill this week, the University of Colorado's Office of Government Relations begins a...
From left: Arthi Jayaraman, Michael Hermele, Tobin Munsat and Alysia Marino Four University of Colorado at Boulder professors will receive $750,000 grants...
NOTE: We have learned that when this story first was posted, some nominees for the Thomas Jefferson Award had not yet received the letters sent to inform them...
Seven research efforts involving the University of Colorado at Boulder were among the top 100 science stories of the year selected by Discover Magazine — ideas...
The University of Colorado Technology Transfer Office tonight honors CU faculty and outside companies collaborating on the development of treatments for...
Nominations for the annual Chase Faculty Community Service Award are being accepted through Feb. 26 to honor a full-time faculty member who has provided...
Mary McClanahan ('67, '69 AS) Amid CU-Boulder's storied progress in leading-edge fields such as biotech and energy, the university's classics department (...
The Office of Policy and Efficiency (OPE) has announced changes to nine policies in the areas of academic affairs, administrative/general, fiscal and legal...
Faculty researchers from all four university campuses have been chosen to participate in the President's Teaching and Learning Collaborative (PTLC) for 2010...
The University of Colorado at Boulder is the nation's No. 5 "best value" public college or university for 2010 according to rankings released Tuesday, Jan. 12...
President Barack Obama today recognized the University of Colorado at Boulder for its leadership in science, technology, engineering and math — or STEM —...
At an early age growing up in rural Indiana, Norman Pace, Ph.D., learned he had an affinity for microscopes and chemistry sets. He was so taken by the "unseen...
It's no secret that emissions leaving a car tailpipe or factory smokestack affect climate and air quality. Even trees release chemicals that influence the...
The University of Colorado's new expense system continues to expand as part of a rolling launch that began in April. By the end of February, the entire...
As public interest in sustainable practices grows, so does demand for professional development in the area. The latest expansion of the sustainable practices...
"Islam and the Media" is the title of the international conference being hosted by the University of Colorado at Boulder's Center for Media, Religion and...
Colorado's economy will return to stability but not growth in 2010, according to economist Richard Wobbekind of the University of Colorado at Boulder's Leeds...
University of Colorado at Boulder political science professor and CU President Emeritus Hank Brown will retire on Dec. 31, but plans to continue teaching a...
Nineteen years ago, Jason Katzman was a stock clerk at the CU Book Store. The fit was so good, he continued to work there, and has risen in the ranks to become...
A contingent from the University of Colorado at Boulder is attending the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which began Monday, Dec. 7, in...
Donors, alumni receive video "thank you" Short videos were e-mailed to about 150,000 alumni and parents last month to say "thank you" for supporting the...