The University of Colorado system is featured as a model of academic quality and innovation in a new guide created by the American Council of Trustees and...
The Coleman Institute Conference on Cognitive Disability and Technology is the only event of its kind in the field of cognitive disability, and is known for...
When Doris Kearns Goodwin talks of “my guys” – the leaders she has studied in unparalleled depth over her career as U.S. presidential historian – she ticks off...
We went in search of the CU Anschutz Medical Campus’s best restaurants, and you responded. Not surprisingly, when asked about on- and off-campus restaurants...
The University of Colorado Boulder released a draft concept plan for its CU Boulder South property on Monday that offers a preliminary look at what development...
The Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in STEM Education were established in 2009 to support faculty and graduate student engagement in innovative research on...
CU President Bruce Benson presents a crystal buffalo to Tim Schultz, president of the Boettcher Foundation, as Schultz’s wife, Debbie Jessop, looks on. The...
Closer examination Watch a video comparison of the two dental options and see plan details on the Dental Plans page. The University of Colorado will offer two...
Feeling heartbroken from a recent breakup? Just believing you’re doing something to help yourself get over your ex can influence brain regions associated with...
CU President Bruce D. Benson named three finalists April 20 for chancellor of UCCS. They will visit campus beginning next week for a series of meetings with...
University of Colorado Denver students will have no or a modest tuition increase next school year, and the university is launching a scholarship fundraising...
CU Staff Council Service Excellence Award winners, from left, Connie Amen, Elizabeth Volkert, Sharon Vieyra and Gregory Williams. Four University of Colorado...
During this year’s Open Enrollment, which will begin Monday and continues through May 12, medical plan monthly premiums will increase by varying degrees...
Gov. John Hickenlooper and CU Boulder alumna Jenny Simpson are all smiles at the April 13 bill-signing ceremony. Olympic athletes training in Colorado will...
Albert Einstein predicted the existence of “gravitational waves” in 1916 based on his General Theory of Relativity, but it took a century to prove him correct.
The federal government’s effort to automate and streamline the process by which Americans file for unemployment insurance benefits has resulted in benefits...
At the University of Colorado Denver, “CU in the City” expresses a commitment to serve the community. The commitment goes back decades, as seen in the work of...
FAMILY Program Open House When: 5-7 p.m. April 27 Where: Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Depression Center, 13199 E. Montview Blvd., Suite 330, Aurora For more...
The University of Colorado South Denver is seeking input from the community and its stakeholders – including CU faculty and staff across the system – with a...
Regents unanimously approve 2.5 percent salary increases The University of Colorado Board of Regents on Friday approved a 2.5 percent base-building salary...
The University of Colorado Board of Regents on Friday approved a 2.5 percent base-building salary increase for employees on its four campuses as part of the...
While awaiting final approval from the General Assembly for the state’s 2017-18 budget, the CU Board of Regents continues to advance CU’s proposed budget for...