Valerie Simons Valerie Simons has been named the interim Chief Compliance Officer and system Title IX coordinator for the University of Colorado System. Simons...
The CU system Office of Academic Affairs, in collaboration with the Office of Information Security, invites students, faculty and staff from across the...
The CU Office of Academic Affairs invites submissions for 2021-22 awards and grants. Inquiries? . AWARDS Nominations for the following...
The University of Colorado Boulder’s Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV) and the CU Boulder Police Department (CUPD) are embarking on a two-...
“There are different ways to interpret the statement ‘The library never closes,'” write Matthew Jabaily and Tabatha Farney, co-investigators of a new study...
This summer, with fear that COVID-19 vaccination rates were insufficient to control the virus, states across the nation began to employ what was then...
We like to think that we make logical decisions, especially in situations when all the relevant information is not just available...but given to us. However,...
UPDATED Oct. 12 with individual campus dates of survey launch. The University of Colorado’s systemwide 2021 Campus and Workplace Culture (CWC) Survey – aimed...
Health coverage is one of the most serious considerations in planning for retirement, and people near retirement age in the U.S. have likely begun receiving...
The CU Boulder Police Department’s property and evidence unit is the first university police department in North America to earn the SCS Northwest Evidence...
In his Oct. 7 State of the Campus address, Chancellor Venkat Reddy demonstrated that — in the midst of an extraordinary year, full of challenges and triumphs...
“We’re so grateful for everything you’re doing for CU Denver. We want to make you proud,” said Chancellor Michelle Marks, addressing more than 100 CU Denver...
The 2021 issue, which came out in September, is the 14th volume of the annual publication that features poetry, prose, artwork, and photography from across the...
From left, President Saliman, VP for Communications Michael Sandler, Tanya Kelly-Bowry, Regent Sue Sharkey, Action 22 consultant Micah Espinoza, Action 22...
The Student Success Innovation Incubator team at CU Boulder invites faculty, graduate students and staff members from the CU system to participate in their...
World Mental Health Day is Oct. 10, 2021, and this year’s theme is ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World.’ Mental health is critical to overall health and well-...
A specific wavelength of ultraviolet (UV) light is not only extremely effective at killing the virus which causes COVID-19, but is also safer for use in public...
This year’s Ethics First event brought the ethical value of accountability to the front of the room. While many in the audience thought they knew what it meant...
As the CU Denver community over the past year embarked on visioning for the 2030 Strategic Plan, a common theme emerged: We have dedicated faculty and staff...
For today’s generation of medical researchers, the need for speed in the scientific world was never more pronounced than it was in 2020. As society hid from a...
CU’s Office of Digital Education (ODE) continues to provide service to the campuses while undergoing a reframing that best considers ongoing changes to the...
Casey A. Cass/University of Colorado Friday's STEM Goes Red event at CU Boulder was part of an initiative to inspire high school girls to pursue careers in...
The University of Colorado Office of Information Security points to October’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month as an opportunity to continue fostering a security...
Early-bird registration for the Accessing Higher Ground: Accessible Media, Web and Technology Conference has been extended through Friday. This year’s event...