Regent Linda Shoemaker talks with Faculty Council member David Port after last week’s council meeting.

Shoemaker to faculty: We won’t always agree, but let’s work together

Regent Linda Shoemaker made her first appearance before the Faculty Council last week, speaking and taking questions at 1800 Grant St. during the group’s May 7...
CU Denver chancellor search to continue

CU Denver chancellor search to continue

CU President Bruce Benson said Wednesday that the recently concluded search process “did not produce a candidate with the vast support necessary to lead CU...

CU reaches settlement with tenured professor in contested dismissal

CU has reached a legal settlement with David Barnett, an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy at CU-Boulder, which results in him leaving the...
CU School of Medicine launches summer session of Mini Medical School Online

Have you ever wanted to know what your doctor knows?

The University of Colorado School of Medicine’s first-ever MOOC (massive open online course) will be offering a second session online starting June 8.
CU’s work in online financials takes national spotlight

CU’s work in online financials takes national spotlight

The University’s Annual Financial Report and Illustrated Guide were in the spotlight at the recent NACUBO (National Association of College and University...
United Arab Emirates to partner with CU-Boulder on 2021 Mars mission

United Arab Emirates to partner with CU-Boulder on 2021 Mars mission

A mission to study dynamic changes in the atmosphere of Mars over days and seasons led by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) involves the University of Colorado...
Interactive map shows 50 years of UCCS

Interactive map shows 50 years of UCCS

A map created by John Harner, professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Marta Blanco-Castaño and Glenn Xavier, undergraduate students, goes...
This year’s graduates of the Educational Opportunities Programs at CU Denver.

Cultural Awareness Certificate amplifies CU Denver’s rich diversity

Their campus is a microcosm of the world, so a group of senior-seminar students decided to do something to celebrate and amplify CU Denver's rich diversity.
Researchers create microscope allowing deep brain exploration

Researchers create microscope allowing deep brain exploration

A team of neuroscientists and bioengineers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have created a miniature, fiber-optic microscope designed to...