New international employees must meet with a CU international tax specialist before they fill out their W-4. Schedule an appointment here. Many international...
As the nation prepares to usher in a new administration, and at a time when companies are clamoring for employees qualified to shepherd them to a bright future...
Students returning for the spring semester now have a brand new place to gather at Williams Village. Opened on Jan. 11, the Village Center Dining and Community...
Monday’s hurricane-force windstorm knocked a 60-foot ponderosa pine onto a bench and the entrance of Cragmor Hall and caused other minor damage on campus.
The curtain has officially been raised on the Next Stage Collaborative, a new exhibit space for University of Colorado Denver students and faculty to display...
In the first study of its kind, University of Colorado School of Medicine students expressed support for the legal use of marijuana, including for physical and...
The CU Board of Regents on Friday officially welcomed its newest members, Heidi Ganahl and Jack Kroll, and returning Regent Sue Sharkey, all of whom took their...
Proposed changes to laws affecting higher education employment contracts and tuition classification for Olympic athletes are the first measures being supported...
The 2017 edition of CU Advocacy Day is set for Jan. 31 at the Capitol, with a schedule that includes appearances by Gov. John Hickenlooper and Lt. Gov. Donna...
Feb. 10 is the deadline for initial application materials for this year’s Boettcher Foundation Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Awards. Applications for the...
A partnership of CU Boulder students, faculty and staff will host a Jan. 25 Buffs United event that will support the values of an inclusive campus and the...
The University of Colorado Denver has two of the best online graduate programs in the country according to the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings...
The CU College of Nursing was ranked among the top ten nationally in Best Online Nursing Programs, according to a report released today by US News & World...
There’s a low- to no-cost medicine that drastically improves the fortunes of patients. It’s widely available without a prescription, but to many it’s an...
With’s recent expansion to faculty and staff on all campuses, the University of Colorado now provides its workforce with two online learning tools...
A University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) committee is developing a working research outline in an effort to propose an equitable and consistent paid...
Whether it’s a wide-receiver hauling in a pass, a runner sprinting the 1,500-meter, or a power forward taking the ball to the hole, athletes share one...
Following months of saying she would soon leave UCCS, Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak announced Dec. 16 her plans to retire from UCCS after 15 years at the...
The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus will be one of seven clinical centers nationwide to participate in an initiative of the National Institutes...
Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder’s Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS) have been awarded a $839,500 grant from the Colorado Department of...
Superlatives come easy at the Grand Canyon. So do spiritual feelings: For the English writer J. B. Priestley, the great cleft was no less than “a revelation.”...