Resources available for employees using tuition benefit

Resources available for employees using tuition benefit

Taking classes in the spring? The CU Employee Tuition Waiver Benefit is available to eligible employees and dependents. Get started now for spring 2017: Check...
Need relief from finals week stress? Let the dogs out

Need relief from finals week stress? Let the dogs out

Saurabh Sood (MCompSci’17) is excited for the end of the semester. Not for the grueling pressure of finals, but for the opportunity to lounge with friendly...
CU archaeologist makes a case for Neanderthals as advanced species

CU archaeologist makes a case for Neanderthals as advanced species

Last May, two stone circles found deep in a French cave set off a ripple of awe around the globe. Built with chunks of stalagmites snapped from the cave floor...
Alumnus, noted scientific researcher to lead December commencement

Alumnus, noted scientific researcher to lead December commencement

A UCCS alumnus and leader in the field of neuroscience will deliver the fall UCCS commencement address during Dec. 16 ceremonies at the Broadmoor World Arena.
Is Dylan's Nobel for him or for us?

Is Dylan's Nobel for him or for us?

Are Bob Dylan’s lyrics poetry? The debate has been going on for decades, but you probably shouldn’t bother asking him. Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize has reignited a...
Pipeline programs send students into pharmacy

Pipeline programs send students into pharmacy

Ryan Duong and Justin Cheung didn’t know each other at Bear Creek High School – Duong is a year older – but their educational paths have been almost in...
CU Denver | CU Anschutz Office of Grants, Contracts logs milestone

CU Denver | CU Anschutz Office of Grants, Contracts logs milestone

The Office of Grants and Contracts at CU Denver l CU Anschutz Medical Campus recorded several major accomplishments in 2016. In March, it was announced that CU...
Dec. 30 is the last payroll of 2016

Reminder: Final payday of 2016 is Dec. 30

The holiday season is in full swing and with all of the excitement, it is easy to forget approaching deadlines. To make this time less stressful, please...

Publication note: No CU Connections on Dec. 22, Dec. 29

CU Connections will not publish new issues on Dec. 22 and Dec. 29. Connections returns after the winter break on Thursday, Jan. 5. Deadline for submissions is...
CU faculty researchers invited to apply for Boettcher Investigator status

CU faculty researchers invited to apply for Boettcher Investigator status

The University of Colorado and the Boettcher Foundation announce the 2017 Boettcher Foundation Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Awards Program . The Boettcher...
CU Women Succeeding

Registration for CU Women Succeeding opens Friday

CU Women Succeeding, the 15th annual professional development symposium, is set for March 2-3, 2017, at Berger Hall on the University of Colorado Colorado...
Call for submissions: President’s Fund for the Humanities

Call for submissions: President’s Fund for the Humanities

UPDATE: The previous deadline of March 6 has been extended to 5 p.m. March 7. The CU Office of Academic Affairs solicits proposals for spring 2017 President’s...
VC Fiez strives to 'Be the Innovation University,' seeks out next big idea

VC Fiez strives to 'Be the Innovation University,' seeks out next big idea

It is inspiring to see the level of innovation and creativity across this campus and throughout the Boulder community. Innovation is part of our DNA. It makes...
CU Boulder to offer new degrees in elementary education, leadership and community engagement

CU Boulder to offer new degrees in elementary education, leadership and community engagement

Beginning in the 2017 school year, entering freshmen at the University of Colorado Boulder will have two new degree options for pursuing transformative careers...
Chancellor Memo: HLC thanks, next steps

Chancellor Memo: It is up to us to ensure UCCS remains inclusive, safe, and committed to our values

As I prepare for December commencement ceremonies and reflect on the events of the past several weeks, I turn to the words and actions of CU President George...
Video/photo feature: First Responders Appreciation Night honors Officer Garrett Swasey

Video/photo feature: First Responders Appreciation Night honors Officer Garrett Swasey

More than 50 people attended a campus candelight vigil Nov. 28 to honor first responders and UCCS police officer Garrett Swasey, who died Nov. 27, 2015 in the...
Students create self-powered, moving solar panel that produces clean and efficient energy

Students create self-powered, moving solar panel that produces clean and efficient energy

The sun’s daily arc across the sky generally draws little notice. A clean-energy-minded group of engineering students at CU Denver, however, has devised a...
Momentum’ shares CU Anschutz success stories

‘Momentum’ shares CU Anschutz success stories

The CU Anschutz Medical Campus Office of Advancement recently launched Momentum , an annual collection of stories demonstrating the impact of private support...
Changes to two systemwide policies now in effect

Changes to two systemwide policies now in effect

The Office of Policy and Efficiency (OPE) has announced changes to two Administrative Policy Statements (APSs) from the human resources and administrative/...
Deadline to enroll in CU’s Health Savings Account nears

Deadline to enroll in CU’s Health Savings Account nears

Employees currently enrolled in the University of Colorado’s Health Savings Account must select their 2017 contribution amounts by Dec. 9. If employees do not...
End of calendar year brings to-do list for employees

End of calendar year brings to-do list for employees

The countdown to 2017 has begun. With it come important changes and dates for all CU employees. W-2s will be mailed by Jan. 31 and made available in the...
Buffs take aim at Pac-12 Championship

Buffs take aim at Pac-12 Championship

In what has been a record-setting year for Jake Browning, only one team has managed to slow down the Washington quarterback this season.
Chancellor Memo: HLC thanks, next steps

Chancellor Memo: HLC thanks, next steps

I cannot thank you enough for your support and participation during the Higher Learning Commission visit Monday and Tuesday of this week.
Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs awards student travel grants

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs awards student travel grants

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs awarded the University of Colorado Denver’s Institute for International Business a study grant for Business School students...
