HR leader energized by problem solving

The newest member of CU’s human resources leadership team spoke with the Faculty Council during the governance group’s first meeting of the 2016-17 academic year.
Gregory Komarow has two months on the job as the CU system’s associate vice president and chief human resources officer. He was introduced by Kathy Nesbitt, vice president of Employee and Information Services, during the Aug. 25 meeting at 1800 Grant St.
“Human resources is my second career,” said Komarow, who described twists and turns in his education that took him from chemistry to financial services. While aiming to pursue international business while earning his MBA at American University, a mentor convinced him to study human resources.
“One of the things that energizes me in the field of human resources is that we get to solve problems,” he said.
The past decade of his career was spent in the Middle East, fulfilling a promise he made to his wife, who grew up in Dubai. The experience exposed him to a broad spectrum of diversity in workplaces.
“I’ve never supported less than 86 nationalities,” he said. “Where I’ve had success is in making everyone aware there is a difference.”
Komarow encouraged faculty members to contact him whenever the need arises.
“Think of everything the system office does for you: What’s going well? What do we need to stop doing? What are we not doing we have to be doing? What are the big gaps?” he said. “I can help create programs and fix things so you can do what you’re supposed to do.”
In other business at last week’s Faculty Council meeting:
- Nesbitt told the council that work is ongoing on an upcoming survey to determine needs and issues involving the tuition waiver benefit. She expects the committee leader, Susan Szpyrka of UCCS, to engage the council as the effort moves forward.
- Deborah Keyek-Franssen, associate vice president for digital education and engagement, provided an update on initiatives including University of Colorado Connect, a point of entry for CU’s systemwide online education offerings. One year of initiative funding from the president’s office remains, she said, with the goal of operationalizing the effort. “We have to understand how much it costs to run this and how effective it is in generating leads for our online offerings,” she said.
- During his update, Academic Affairs Vice President Michael Lightner told the council that five certificate programs at UCCS will be up for approval at the Board of Regents’ next meeting, set for Sept. 8-9 in Colorado Springs. Certificate programs previously were not brought to the board, but will be now because of changes to state requirements.
- Tina Moser, chair of the Ethnic and Minority Affairs Committee, and Troyann Gentile, cochair of the LGBTQ+ Committee, said their teams will join forces in the coming year to present a combined symposium. “It’s further siloing us to operate apart,” Gentile said. “It just makes sense to address these intersections. We think we’ll get a good response.”