The University of Colorado has announced two new Distinguished Professors, Jean S. Kutner and Karolin Luger, bringing the 2022 cohort total to nine. CU Distinguished Professors are tenured faculty members who demonstrate exemplary performance in research or creative work; a record of excellence in promoting learning and student attainment of knowledge and skills; and outstanding service to the profession, the university and its affiliates.
From CU Olympians in Beijing to new leadership for the Board of Regents, these were the topics of interest in the most popular CU Connections feature stories of 2022.
Last fiscal year, 44,489 donors made 69,042 gifts totaling $377.2 million. Through stories and numbers, the report demonstrates how philanthropy drives individuals across CU to ask, “Why not?” and how that question transforms their work, their fields and their personal dreams and goals.
As the University of Colorado carries out its mission of providing outstanding teaching, research, community engagement and health care, it also generates a vital $13.3 billion annual economic impact across the state.
Colorado is one state, but it is far from singular when it comes to the diversity of its cultures and communities. Starting in May and continuing through September, CU President Todd Saliman and members of the CU Board of Regents joined the CU Outreach & Engagement staff, led by Assistant Vice President for Outreach and Engagement Tony Salazar, on outreach tours across Colorado.
University of Colorado faculty this year attracted $1.46 billion in sponsored research funding and gifts supporting research. The support powers wide-ranging discovery and impact, ultimately benefiting Colorado, the nation and the world. This marks the sixth consecutive year that CU’s annual sponsored research funding and gifts have topped $1 billion. The 2021-22 systemwide total is an increase of 1% over the previous year’s $1.45 billion.