CU to substantially ramp up online education efforts

CU to substantially ramp up online education efforts

CU is taking steps to bolster its online presence and offerings as the months-long project to evaluate capabilities and gauge opportunities transitions from...
Board of Regents Meeting

CU leaders consider range of revenue disruptions

CU leaders are in the midst of much careful planning, but many unknowns remain. President Kennedy addresses the Board of Regents during Wednesday's Zoom...
CU On the Air Podcast

CU on the Air podcast: President Kennedy’s coronavirus updates

CU President Mark Kennedy sat down this week with CU on the Air host Ken McConnellogue to provide updates to the CU community. How CU is rallying remotely CU’s...
CU Faculty Council

Faculty Council extends workload into summer, skips elections

Faculty Council leaders will continue in their current roles for longer than may have been expected. During the April 23 meeting of the Faculty Senate, held...
Open Enrollment 2020

Open Enrollment: Wake up on the right side of the bed with Sleepio

This Open Enrollment , the University of Colorado is introducing Sleepio , a wellness program dedicated to developing healthier sleep habits and improving...
Coronavirus drifts through the air in microscopic droplets—here’s the science of infectious aerosols

Coronavirus drifts through the air in microscopic droplets—here’s the science of infectious aerosols

When aerosols from an infected person float around in our environment, they may be a significant source of coronavirus transmission. Professor Shelly Miller...
Why are we acting like wolves at night?

Why are we acting like wolves at night?

round the world, people are collectively making noise while social distancing. In Colorado, we're howling like wolves. Joanna Lambert, a professor in the...
Virtual Town Hall answers COVID-19 questions from campus community

Virtual Town Hall answers COVID-19 questions from campus community

Chancellor Reddy and members of his Cabinet addressed faculty, staff and students at an Apr. 23 virtual Town Hall, the first that UCCS has held since it moved...
School of Education and Human Development uses resources to support communities

School of Education and Human Development uses resources to support communities

The School of Education & Human Development faculty is responding to the disruption created by COVID-19 by finding creative ways to help students continue...
Experts: Our mental strength depends on us all reaching out to each other

Experts: Our mental strength depends on us all reaching out to each other

Colorado is no stranger to disaster, with its devastating floods and record mass shootings. But living through the COVID-19 pandemic, an invisible threat with...
Multiple COVID-19 clinical trials underway at CU Anschutz

Multiple COVID-19 clinical trials underway at CU Anschutz

Doctors and nurses—many of whom are also researchers—are working around the clock at UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH) to treat patients who are...