William Shatner, the Emmy Award-winning actor who portrayed Captain Kirk on the original “Star Trek” television series, will headline the 10th Anniversary...
About 175 staff members at the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus were thanked for their years of service at a breakfast at CU South...
A group of physicians handled a variety of firearms, and even emptied rounds into targets on a firing range, but they weren’t at the Centennial Gun Club to...
Employee Services encourages employees to review their 2018 W-4 forms and use the IRS withholding calculator to ensure receiving the refund amount expected...
Parents struggling to get their preschoolers to fall asleep and stay asleep at night could likely see big results by adopting just one key strategy, say CU...
In celebration of International Brain Awareness Week March 12–16, CU Boulder will offer a series of public lectures by expert faculty, revealing new insights...
Sunny skies and warm temperatures complimented the excitement from nearly 400 campus and community leaders, fans, construction personnel and donors for the...
The former president of Mexico and the architect of Brexit will speak in a moderated debate “Nationalism vs. Globalism” April 3 on the UCCS campus. Vicente Fox...
As more and more older patients are offered advanced treatments for chronic diseases, including surgeries and implantable devices, new questions have arisen...
The Office of Academic Affairs is soliciting nominations for spring 2018 awards. Please direct inquiries to AcademicAffairs@cu.edu . Chase Faculty Community...
Queen Elizabeth had just traveled the Tube, the first reigning British monarch to ride it. The Tate released 90 pigeons in honor of Picasso’s 90th birthday...
CU Boulder is ranked No. 11 in the nation for graduates serving as Peace Corps volunteers, with 56 alumni currently serving around the world, the Peace Corps...
College campuses have historically provided a forum for the exchange of ideas, including those that come from various ideological and critical perspectives.
The CU Denver Business School Alumni Network (BSAN) hosted the second session in its four-part Career Edge Webinar Series aimed at sharing expert advice and...
Patients with terminal cancer face difficult decisions. What treatment options support their goals? When is it reasonable to discontinue care? A study...
The CU President’s Diversity Award committee has announced three awards for 2018. The President’s Diversity Award recognizes significant achievements of...
Members of the Faculty Council were welcomed into Gov. John Hickenlooper's office, where he received the council's Leadership in Public Higher Education Award...
The University of Colorado Staff Council discussed a variety of issues during its regular monthly meeting Feb. 15 on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. During the...
A lot of behind-the-scenes work takes place so that learners and students throughout the country can seamlessly take online courses from the University of...
W.B. Allen and Stephen B. Presser have been named as the 2018-19 Visiting Scholars in Conservative Thought and Policy at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Childhood play experiences strongly shape a person's spatial skills, according to a new CIRES-led study—those skills can be critical to success in fields like...
It was a dark and stormy night ... Nineteen-year-old Mary Shelley was writing Frankenstein on a dare. Two hundred years later, the classic horror novel of the...
“How are we meeting the needs and expectations of our students?” That question provided the foundation for more than 140 faculty, staff and students to...
Lauren Fontana used to spend her days living in code. A graduate of the University of Michigan with a BSE in computer science in engineering, she designed...