Experts provide direction, how-to advice at Retirement Ready events

Three in 10 people in the workforce claim that preparing for retirement causes them to feel stressed mentally and emotionally, according to the 2017 Retirement Confidence Survey conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.
The University of Colorado wants its workforce to feel confident and prepared on the road to retirement, which is why Employee Services developed Retirement Ready: A CU Financial Event.
The event will be on each CU campus Nov. 6-15, and is designed to give employees within five years of retirement a comprehensive overview of retiring with PERA or 401(a) plans, Medicare, Social Security and income options after retirement.
“This year I am excited to have a representative from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services present on Medicare, a first at these sessions,” said Michelle Martinez, director of benefits administration in Employee Services. “It is important employees understand their Medicare and Social Security options prior to, and as they prepare for, retirement.”
Attend Retirement Ready on the campus of your choosing. Presentation availability varies by campus and Vendor Fairs will be held 10 a.m.-3 p.m. during each event. Be sure to stop by and speak one-on-one with representatives from each talk, get your personal questions answered, pick up informational material and set up appointments with TIAA.
Presentations include:
CU's Process for Retiring: 401(a) Participants: Are you a CU 401(a) participant? Learn more about your university retiree benefit options and the process behind becoming a university retiree.
Paying Yourself: Income options in retirement: You’ve finally saved enough and you’re ready to retire…what are your income options now? Learn about basic rules that govern the most common retirement accounts, when to tap into different assets and flexible income choices offered by TIAA.
Market Volatility: What’s the best way to handle market ups and downs? This seminar offers best practices and actionable steps to help investors steer through stormy markets to help stay on the path to financial security. (Only at CU Boulder and CU Anschutz.)
Medicare 101: This presentation covers the four basic parts of Medicare: Hospital Insurance, Medical Insurance, Medicare Advantage Plans and Prescription drug plans. Experts will teach you how Medicare works with other insurances and provide helpful informational resources. (Will not be held at the CU system event, due to a scheduling conflict.)
Social Security: Social Security is a large part of retiring and often leaves people confused. If there are areas you would like to learn more about, or if you just have general questions, this interactive lecture will give you the clarity you seek. (Not part of the UCCS event, due to a scheduling conflict.)
CU’s Process for Retiring: PERA Participants: Are you a PERA participant? Learn about your university retiree benefit options and the process behind becoming a university retiree.
Preparing for Retirement from PERA: Get the most out of your PERA account. This session provides valuable information needed to help meet your retirement goals.
View full event information and register on the Retirement Ready website.