Gift will expand veteran and military student services home

Gift will expand veteran and military student services home

UCCS will expand space devoted to serving veteran and active duty military students.
CU Denver and Lakewood launch 'Hometown Colorado'

CU Denver and Lakewood launch 'Hometown Colorado'

Some major projects on the City of Lakewood’s to-do list will benefit from the work of several hundred students from the University of Colorado Denver, thanks...
New resource gathers research, commentary on shaping integrated health care

New resource gathers research, commentary on shaping integrated health care

With the burden of behavioral health problems impacting the lives of so many, and because clinicians want to deliver the best care for their patients, a...
Nominations for Excellence in Leadership Award open until Sept. 25

Nominations for Excellence in Leadership Award: Deadline extended to Sept. 30

ELP is a universitywide professional development experience that provides opportunities for faculty and staff to become more effective leaders who can...
New degrees earn approval of Regents; plus roundup of BOR actions at meeting

New degrees earn approval of Regents

The University of Colorado Board of Regents on Friday unexpectedly approved two new degree programs and discussed a third, which won’t receive a vote of the...
Michael Lightner, Ph.D.

Lightner named vice president for academic affairs

CU President Bruce D. Benson announced the appointment at Friday’s Board of Regents meeting at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs after receiving...
HCM Transactions Workshops walk users through everyday tasks

HCM Review & Reports Workshops round out training Sept. 17-30

As the University of Colorado gears up for HCM go-live, the workshops are winding down with a final session on new reporting tools.
UIS reaches new record in login support

UIS reaches new record in login support

CU’s University Information Systems (UIS) recently achieved a new record in supporting student, faculty and staff logins without a hitch. On the highest volume...
University of Colorado Board of Regents

Regents seeking 2016 award nominees

The Board of Regents is soliciting nominations for University of Colorado 2016 Honorary Degrees, University Medals and Distinguished Service Awards...
CU-Boulder announces 'Our Space. Our Future.'

CU-Boulder announces 'Our Space. Our Future.'

The University of Colorado Boulder today announced Our Space, Our Future, a universitywide Grand Challenge to build on the university’s strengths in aerospace-...
Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths globally

Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths globally

Groundbreaking research presented by international leaders in lung cancer highlighted the benefits of focusing on the prevention of lung cancer, of spreading...
9/11 remembered

Photo feature: 9/11 remembered

CU Board of Regents Chairman Kyle Hybl led a moment of silence in memory of lives lost during the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and subsequent military...
New TIAA-CREF resources help gay, lesbian employees

New TIAA-CREF resources help gay, lesbian employees

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes financial planning? It’s not a very romantic topic, but one that’s become increasingly important for gay and...
Tenure list

Tenure list: September 2015

At its meeting Friday at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, the CU Board of Regents approved eight appointments with tenure.
Record enrollment

University of Colorado campuses achieve record-setting enrollment

Record numbers of students are pursuing higher education this fall at University of Colorado campuses, where enrollment now stands at 61,258 – a new systemwide...
Dorothy Horrell, Ph.D.

Horrell named finalist for CU Denver chancellor

University of Colorado President Bruce D. Benson today announced that Dorothy Horrell, Ph.D., is the finalist for chancellor of CU’s Denver campus.
Track record of excellence reflected in U.S. News & World Report’s 2016 Best Colleges rankings

CU campuses retain lofty spots on annual lists

The campuses of the University of Colorado and their undergraduate programs continue their long-standing records of excellence as tracked by the U.S. News...
The 9/11 Artifact Display will be the site of a remembrance ceremony Sept. 11.

Ceremony will commemorate 9/11 events

Members of the CU Board of Regents and UCCS leaders will participate in a 9/11 remembrance ceremony at 8:30 a.m. Sept. 11 near Osborne Science &...
CU-Boulder-led study shows how community ecology can advance the fight

CU-Boulder-led study shows how community ecology can advance the fight against infectious diseases

Despite continued medical advances, infectious diseases kill over 10 million people worldwide each year. The ecological complexity of many emerging disease...

Matias set for first Race @ CU talk

Race @ CU, a new series of talks presented by the Faculty Council’s Ethnic and Minority Affairs Committee (EMAC), begins Sept. 18 with a presentation by CU...
Philanthropy at Work: Mark Deutchman

Philanthropy at Work: Mark Deutchman

Mark Deutchman, MD, knows the many hats worn by rural physicians. The population of the town (at least according to the sign outside the city limit) where he...
CU celebrates National Payroll Week

CU celebrates National Payroll Week

Every payday, thousands of CU employees look to their bank accounts, expecting their paycheck to automatically be deposited. That can only happen with the...
Professor Robert Pasnau, chair of the Center for Western Civilization, Thought and Policy

CU-Boulder expands Center for Western Civilization to include the Visiting Scholar in Conservative Thought and Policy

The University of Colorado Boulder announced today that the Center for Western Civilization in the College of Arts and Sciences is now the Center for Western...
Roger Pielke, Jr.

CU-Boulder Department of Athletics explores creation of Sports Governance Center

The University of Colorado Department of Athletics is embarking on an ambitious new initiative between academics and athletics – the proposed creation of a...
Tim Skrastins, left, and Coach Chrissy Elder watch eighth grader Hannah Skrastins, sign a letter of intent for Mountain Lion Volleyball.

Mountain Lion Volleyball signs eighth-grader in special ceremony

The UCCS Mountain Lion Volleyball team signed eighth-grader Hannah Skrastins of Colorado Springs Christian School to a letter of intent Aug. 27 in the Gallogly...
